Linex for newborns

It is known that babies are born with a sterilely clean stomach. When feeding mother's colostrum, and then milk, the digestive organ of crumbs is populated with necessary useful bacteria. However, in addition to them, harmful microorganisms also enter the children's digestive tract. So his gastric microflora is formed. This does not happen immediately, but gradually. That is why newborns in the first months of life have painful intestinal colic , accompanied by crying and restless behavior, greenery in the stool, bloating and flatulence. In the worst case, a child may develop a dysbacteriosis . Pediatricians claim that these phenomena are quite normal and by 3-4 months of life will pass. However, not all mothers are able to wait for the normalization of digestion in a baby crying from the painful sensations and turn to the doctors for help. Many appoint a line. Often parents are afraid to give medicines to newly born children, considering them harmful. But is it possible to give linex to newborns? Let's figure it out.

Linex: the principle of action

Linex belongs to the pharmacological group of eubiotics - drugs that are made on the basis of dried live strains of bacteria belonging to the healthy microflora of the human stomach. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, these microorganisms come to life and are active vital functions, normalizing digestion. The lineage includes such lactic acid bacteria as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci. By causing the fermentation of lactose (carbohydrate, which is part of the milk), they establish an acidic environment that inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to this, not only the optimal work of enzymes and the assimilation of nutrients, that is, the microflora is being established, but also the protective forces of the organism are strengthened.

Thus, the indications available to the linex include:

How to take linex to newborns?

The preparation is available in the form of capsules with powdery contents. It is clear that the baby can not swallow the medicine in this form of release. And this makes parents wonder how to give lineks to newborns. The capsule must be opened, and its contents - poured into a teaspoon, mixed with a small amount of boiled chilled water or breast milk (mixture) and gently poured into the baby's mouth. It is quite convenient to give a crumb medication by injecting a syringe without a needle. Concerning the application of the lineage for newborns, the dosage is 1 capsule 3 times a day. This means that the powder contained in the capsule is divided into three doses.

When using a lineage for newborns, the course of treatment is set by the doctor and can be 1-2 weeks and even slightly more, depending on the indications.

Lineks: contraindications and side effects

Lineks is in no way prescribed for the treatment of babies with intolerance to dairy products.

In the rest, the eubiotic is perfectly tolerated even by the smallest. But if the child has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (allergic rash on the body, rhinitis), it should be canceled. Also, you need to consult a doctor about taking the linex, if the child has a fever above 38 ° C, there is blood and mucus from the stool. Consultation is also necessary when acute diarrhea lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by pain and dehydration.