Pentaxim vaccine

The fact that the vaccination of children for decades has allowed to significantly reduce the death rate of children, there is no arguing. In the vaccination calendar a few years ago, a change was introduced: a hemophilic infection of type b was added to the list of infections. To vaccinate children in 97 countries from this infection, a pentaxim or pentawac vaccine is used, which does not change its essence.

Pentaxime contains acellular pertussis. This component significantly reduces the risk of adverse adverse reactions in the child. Pentaxim is a combination vaccine. It ensures the production of immunity in children from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and infections caused by Haemophilus Influenzae type b (epilottitis, meningitis, septicemia). Produce this vaccine in France. Thanks to the multicomponent, the number of injections is reduced. So, separate vaccination against the infections mentioned above, requires 12 injections, and the use of pentaxim - only four. In addition, clinical studies have shown that children vaccinated with pentaxime have a high level of antibodies against three types of poliviruses, Hib infection, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria.

Indications and contraindications

It's no secret that the fear of vaccinating children is inherent in many parents. What kind of children can vaccinate this vaccine, what kind of reaction to pentaxim to expect? Age for vaccination? The instructions to the vaccine state that healthy children can be vaccinated with pentaxime at three months of age. This vaccine is recommended for babies, who had an unusual reaction to the DPT vaccine, as well as the following group of children:

If the child is often sick, he has notes on perinatal encephalopathy, atopic dermatitis, anemia, and dysbacteriosis in the card, which is not the reason for giving a medical pilot from vaccination, but in most cases the parents refuse to vaccinate him. But with regard to the use of pentaxim, these fears are in vain. Russian scientists who conducted vaccine studies confirmed that vaccination and revaccination with pentaxim is effective for children with different health status.

Contraindications to the use of pentaxim vaccine include:

Post-vaccination reaction with pentaxime

In most cases, the child completely tolerates the vaccination with pentaxim. If, after injection of pentaksim, side effects and reactions occur, then you should consult a doctor. The most common effects of pentaxim are in increasing body temperature. Sometimes a child feels discomfort after a shot, less often there is condensation after pentaxim at the injection site, which disappears in a few days. Pediatricians believe that the temperature after the pentaxim inoculation should not be knocked down, since the immune response of the child's body will be reduced, which is undesirable. But if the thermometer is more than 38 degrees, then the antipyretic is quite appropriate.

Schedule of vaccination

The course consists of three injections of pentaxim, which are administered from three months of age (interval - one to two months). One dose - o, 5 ml of the vaccine. At 18 months, revaccination (one dose) is performed. If the standard schedule of vaccination with pentaxim was violated, the pediatrician corrects it for a specific child.

Keep pentaxim, as indicated in the instructions, should be in the refrigerator (at a temperature of +2 - +8 degrees). You can not freeze the vaccine.