Sinusitis in children

ORZ in babies is quite common. With successful treatment, recovery comes quickly. But there are complications. One of them can be sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. It, in turn, can lead to other serious and dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how to recognize and treat sinusitis in a child. So you can make timely arrangements for a speedy recovery.

Let's first analyze the causes of sinusitis in children:

  1. Complication after acute respiratory illness, influenza. If the child has more than 7 days of acute respiratory distress, if the temperature rises on the 5th-7th day, parents should pay special attention to the disease, and check if the genyantritis has started.
  2. Complication after infectious diseases. For example, diphtheria or measles.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Injuries that led to the curvature of the nasal septum or injury to the area of ​​the maxillary sinus.
  5. Weak immunity.
  6. Diseases of the mouth and teeth.

Sinusitis in children symptoms and treatment

To understand how to distinguish a common rhinitis from a more serious disease, you need to know the special distinctive features. The first signs of sinusitis in children are:

Also, parents may notice swelling on the face, changes in the baby's voice (nasal), perspiration in the throat and a persistent cough. All these are the symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in children and the reason for prompt treatment to a doctor. In the hospital for diagnosis of the disease, you will be offered to donate blood, take an X-ray, go through an ultrasound examination or diaphanoscopy (the doctor inserts a light bulb into the child's mouth and asks to tightly clasp her lips, so that the sinuses are visible). In special cases, you need to make a puncture or computed tomography.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will depend on the cause of the disease, its severity and duration, the patient's age.

To remove the edema, vasoconstrictive drops are prescribed. Perhaps you will be offered ultraviolet irradiation. If necessary, prescribe antibiotics. If the child has a fever, then an antipyretic and, if necessary, an analgesic is prescribed.

In cases where the genyantritis is caused by an allergy, the doctor prescribes appropriate special medicines.

If the cause of the disease is the curvature of the septum, then a possible solution may be surgical intervention.

Folk remedies for sinusitis in children

Many parents seek to use "grandmother's" advice, which is based on the use of herbs and other natural ingredients. The main thing you need to know: this treatment should also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, after appropriate consultation. Thus, traditional and traditional medicine will complement each other, and work for the speedy recovery of the child.

In nature, concentrated a huge amount of useful substances that can help in most diseases. For the treatment of sinusitis you can use inhalation. For example, it helps to breathe well over a potato. Inhalation with propolis is useful. One of the means of traditional medicine for sinusitis is instillation into the nose of this green tea.

Parents can also help the child with the help of a massage. To do this, gently tap on the bridge of the nose for a few minutes.

Respiratory gymnastics is useful. To do this, teach the child to breathe alternately, then one, then another nostril for 5 seconds. So repeat it 10-15 times.

To prevent the occurrence of sinusitis in children, it is important to treat all emerging diseases in a timely manner and strengthen immunity.