Japanese azalea

Japanese azalea is a small plant, various varieties of which reach a height of 30 cm to 1 m. The tree has many lateral branches and a large number of densely located flowers, whose diameter can be from 2.5 to 7.5 cm.

Azalea Japanese Garden

Azalea Japanese garden is best planted under tall trees. The soil for planting is chosen loose, rich in humus and without the content of lime. Before planting in the ground in advance make a large amount of organic fertilizers. The land is mulched, preferably oak foliage.

A very important condition is the placement of plants in semi-dark places, well protected from the wind. This is necessary to protect the trees from the rays of the winter sun, which can prove destructive for foliage and cause it to dry out.

Care for the azalea of ​​Japanese garden is in the feeding, regular watering and periodic mulching of the soil.

One of the most common types of garden azaleas are the azaleas of Japanese Thierry and the azalea of ​​Japanese horses.

Azalea Japanese Thierry

Azalea Japanese Thierry is an evergreen shrub with leaves of dark green color and velvety red flowers. The period of its flowering begins in May-June. The plant prefers a loose, sour, humus-rich soil, which must be well moistened. To plant this species of Japanese azalea, you must choose a quiet place, protected from the wind.

Azalea Japanese Horses

Azalea Japanese Koni refers to dwarf evergreen shrubs, which from time to time sheds foliage. He has flowers of a rich crimson hue, which abundantly and continuously bloom, beginning in May-June. The place for his landing is chosen on the same principle as for the azalea of ​​the Japanese Thierry.

Azalea Japanese at home

Cultivation of azaleas of Japanese can be done at home. It is recommended to buy such a plant before its flowering, since it is easier to take care of it during this period and you can immediately get an idea of ​​the shape and size of the flowers.

The location for the azalea should be cool, but protected from drafts. For this purpose a glazed balcony, a cold window sill or a cool corridor are suitable.

Care for azaleas of Japanese at home is as follows:

Thus, the azalea of ​​Japan can please you with its beautiful abundant flowering both in the garden and at home.