Grapes Kishmish - good and bad

The US Department of Agriculture recommends its citizens to use at least two brushes of grapes daily. These nutritious, low-calorie fruits give a lot of energy and are healthy. So the next time you think that it would be more useful to add to your plate, pay attention to the grapes.

Rich in nutrients, black grape without pits (kishmish) is similar in taste to red or green grapes. Its color is due to the high content of antioxidants ("youth substances", which protect our body from free radicals and reduce the risk of cell destruction). The study "Annual Review of Food Science and Technology", published in 2010, found that anthocyanins can slow down inflammation, reduce the activity of cancer cells, facilitate diabetes and control obesity.

The benefit of black grapes (kishmish) is also that it contains a large number of polyphenols - the most common antioxidants, which among other things reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. They can also help prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases and certain types of diabetes. However, these results were obtained after animal experiments, so the study is not yet complete.

Black grapes (kishmish) have a lower glycemic index (from 43 to 53) than other grape varieties (GI 59). These data are obtained as a result of a comparison of "Harvard Publications on Health" and "Food Stories". The lower the GI, the less the effect of food on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Benefit and harm of black kishmish

One average serving of grapes will give you 17 percent of the daily intake of vitamin K and 33 percent of the daily requirement for manganese, and, in slightly smaller amounts, many other vitally important vitamins and minerals. Manganese is necessary for healing wounds, developing bones and normal metabolism, and vitamin K - for strong bones and blood clotting.

The energy value of sultana is low. Therefore, nutritionists advise to slightly reduce your lunch portion of food and add a twig of grapes at the end, or use grapes instead of dried fruits in salads. This will give a feeling of satiety and, at the same time, replace harmful substances with more useful ones.

At the same time, the harm of kishmish is that it actively accumulates pesticides. This was announced by the non-profit organization of the organization Environmental Working Group. Pesticides can accumulate in the body and lead to health problems, such as headaches or birth defects of the fetus. You can reduce the risk by buying grapes gruel from trusted vendors to increase the benefit and reduce the harm of this product.

Fruits without pits are produced by parthenocarp (this term literally means "virgin fruit"). Parthenocarpia can be natural if it is the result of a mutation, or caused artificially, as is done in many modern horticulture. Usually this is artificial pollination by defective or dead pollen or the introduction of synthetic chemicals to the plant.

Often, fruit produced through parthenocarp, deformed, reduced in size, much softer or paler than their "natural" brethren. Also, in terms of crop production, some environmentalists are concerned that parthenocarpy reduces biodiversity, which reduces the number of plant species, their resistance to disease.

However, the skin and flesh of any fruit, regardless of their origin, contain vitamins, minerals, essential oils and many useful phytochemicals. In addition, the fruit skin is an excellent source of fiber. Eat different kinds of fruits, make a varied diet, eat fresh fruit (this is much better than juices) - and the benefits of such nutrition will be much greater than harm.