Emotional states

It is thanks to emotions that a person can perceive life fully. Emotional states accompany us everywhere. In some cases, they give brightness and strength to our feelings , in others they suppress them. A large bias in any direction can be detrimental to health, so emotions need to learn how to manage.

Emotional states of man

  1. Emotions . Our emotions reflect an appraisal of existing or represented situations. It is important to understand that they do not arise to anyone, but are manifested in relation to the whole situation. Emotions can be joyful or sad and change literally every minute.
  2. Feelings . Reflect the estimated attitude to the present or imaginary objects. Sometimes they are called sensations. Feelings arise in relation to someone or something. They, like emotions, can be positive, negative or neutral.
  3. Affect . Negative emotional state, which comes unexpectedly due to a strong shock. It is accompanied by loss of time, space and lack of control over their actions. It can be expressed in the form of stupor or chaotic motor reactions. During the affect, the person greatly decreases the switchability, the concentration is broken and memory is lost (in part or in the form of complete amnesia).
  4. Passion . It is a rather long experience that dominates other human emotions and leads to concentration on the subject of passion. The reasons for this emotional state can be very different, for example, bodily drives or conscious beliefs. Passion can be accepted by a person, but can be experienced as something intrusive and undesirable.
  5. The mood . It is a long emotional state and can be positive or depressed, which depends on the social and psychological atmosphere, the events that occur, the state of the nervous system and health. The mood gives an emotional tone and color to other experiences, actions and thoughts.

Methods of self-regulation of emotional state

A person should be able to control his emotions , so as not to depend on them. If you feel that the extreme emotional state prevents you from thinking, concentrating and badly affecting efficiency, then you can apply special techniques.

A very good way is to relax the facial muscles. You should include quiet music and lie down on the sofa. Begin to relax the groups of facial muscles in turn: first the forehead, then the eyes, nose, cheeks, etc. At the end of the exercise, you need to give yourself a mental order to fix the muscles of the face. After doing this technique, you can calm down and improve your well-being.

There is another effective technique that works well in conditions of emotional tension - a breathing exercise. Sit down or lie down in a comfortable position. Take a slow breath (4 counts), then pause (2 counts) and exhale (4 accounts). Breathe slowly and focus on the process. You can also connect the image, representing how the lungs fill with air and back.

A good way to control and adjust is visualization. With it you can enter into any emotional state. For example, if you need to calm down, you only need to imagine a wide and open space (sky, sea horizon, large area, theater hall, etc.). Just get used to a certain picture and fix it in your mind. Thus, it will be possible to adjust the state of rest or vice versa, mobilization.

Now you understand the main emotional processes and states. The above techniques will help you learn how to manage them. At first, difficulties may arise, but repeated repetition of exercises will help to eliminate negative emotional states and to put them in order.