The causes of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the serious psychiatric disorders that is accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, distortion of behavior stereotypes, mania, transformation of psychoemotional reactions and inadequate way of thinking. As a rule, during the course of illness a person loses his personality and normal behavior. The causes of schizophrenia are not yet determined to the end. This mysterious disease occurs in children, adolescents, adults of both sexes.

The causes of schizophrenia

Determine that a person is sick, you can by monitoring him. Periodically, there will be hallucinations, delusions, indistinct speech, the patient will talk with the voices that he hears in his head. As a rule, such people are apathetic and depressed, closed and constrained.

The scientific community believes that such a disease as schizophrenia, causes can have the following:

It is also interesting that any of the causes of such a disease, as schizophrenia, may not be the cause. In other words, not all alcoholics become schizophrenics, and not always the presence of crazy in the family denotes the inevitable disease of descendants. These are rather potential prerequisites, which exacerbate the likelihood of developing the disease.

The reasons for the development of schizophrenia: the latest scientific discoveries

As a result of long research, experts agreed on the opinion that the symptoms of schizophrenia are the result of improper transmission and processing of information in the human brain. This is due to the impossibility of normal interaction of nerve cells, which in the usual way occurs as a special metabolism. In addition to discovering this pattern, scientists have also discovered gene mutations that are likely to become the key to unraveling the causes of schizophrenia.

More than 600 patients and their parents were examined. Analyzes clearly showed that the mutation of genes, which is present in patients, is absent from their parents. This fact made it possible to judge that mutations at the gene level are one of the reasons for the development of this disease. It is also known that this kind of mutation can destroy the protein component of the brain, because of which the bonds between nerve cells disappear, and a number of specific symptoms of schizophrenia arise. For this reason, a person loses memory, ability and intelligence during the course of the disease.

This same discovery can also be important in the treatment of other psychiatric disorders that similarly affect neural connections in the brain. However, to date, there is no evidence as to whether schizophrenia and other diseases are the result of the same mutations at the gene level.

Thanks to the efforts of scientists, newer and newer generations of drugs regularly appear that effectively suppress the symptoms of schizophrenia and allow a person to gradually return to normal life using only maintenance therapy.