How to cook mussels?

Mussels are bivalve marine and oceanic freshwater mollusks. Many species and subspecies of mussels are edible, it is a valuable commercial seafood, a delicacy aphrodisiac, an object of fishing and industrial breeding. By the utility of mussels are comparable with oysters (this is a low-calorie product), their flesh contains valuable food proteins and trace elements (compounds of copper, zinc, iron and some others). Carbohydrates in the flesh of mussels are practically absent. Thanks to all these properties mussels can, in a sense, be considered a dietary product.

Representatives of many peoples (mostly living on the coasts of large bodies of water and on islands) traditionally consume mussels. In the various culinary traditions of the continental peoples, mussels are less common, but for the present time the problem of buying mussels is quite solvable.

Tell you what you can cook from mussels, and how to cook mussels deliciously and correctly. To begin with, remember that even edible freshwater mussels should not be eaten raw (parasites may be present). Marine species are less dangerous, but they can be unsafe for health, so if you decide to eat mussels raw, it is better to pre-ferment them, that is, marinate in a spicy sauce based on natural vinegar, pepper, spices and garlic (if mussels are frozen more than 3 days, this fact also, in some way, contributes to the solution of the problem).

How to cook mussels delicious?



Prepare the sauce. Mix the vinegar, lemon juice and butter. Season with chopped garlic and red pepper. You can slightly paddle it.

In food, only the so-called mussel leg is used (in fact, it is a muscle-pump). Carefully open the live mussel with a knife and cut out the leg. A serving requires 10-20 pieces depending on the size. Fold the "legs" in a bowl and pour the sauce. You can break off one leaf, and in the one in which there is meat, pour the sauce. It should be noted that for marinating mussels, you can come up with other spicy sauces with horseradish, wasabi, mustard, and other aggressive ingredients. We serve mussels with herbs and light wines, grappa, limoncello, tequila, rum, whiskey, gin. You can serve risotto or pasta with cheese, salad from sea kale, fresh fruit.

In this form, mussels are most useful, but you can cook only fresh mussels. Now tell us how to cook boiled mussels in shells, if you bought ice cream.

How to cook boiled mussels?



Sauce is prepared in advance. Thoroughly rinse the rice, fill it with cold water and boil without stirring for 8-16 minutes (depends on the variety). The water is a salt (you can wash it with boiling water, if you want). Rice should turn out friable.

Mussels are washed thoroughly in cold water. A small amount of water is heated in a saucepan. Add the bay leaf, cloves and pepper. You can add other spices in the form of seeds (coriander, fennel, cumin, etc.). Boil marinade with a weak boil for 5 minutes. We lay mussels and cook until the opening of the leaves, then quickly remove the noise. At each mussel we break off one leaf and serve them on a large platter. Next lay out the rice, better - through a special ring or other form - so it will be more beautiful. We pour rice and mussels sauce and make out greens. Of course, you can use other side dishes. It is also good to serve salads with fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, dark beer, light wines or stronger drinks.