38th week of pregnancy - precursors of labor in the re-breeding

As you know, the second and subsequent generic processes proceed much faster than the first. That is why the precursors of labor in the miscarriages are often observed only at the 38th week of pregnancy. In view of the fact that these signs occur much later, many pregnant women simply do not have time to prepare for childbirth . In order for this to happen, every expectant mother should know what precursors can be observed at the second birth, when the gestation period comes to 38 weeks.

What anatomical features do the reproductive organs have?

Before talking about the precursors of childbirth, observed at week 38, it is necessary to note the main differences in the structure of internal genital organs in women giving birth to a second child.

So, as a rule, in such women the cervix has a wider lumen. As a result of this feature, the response to hormonal stimuli coming directly from the hormonal system is faster. As a result, in many women waiting for the appearance of a second child, the precursors of second birth at 38 weeks are more pronounced.

What are the signs of an early birth in a mole?

The main precursors of labor in the miscreant, which appear at week 38, are:

  1. An exit of a mucous stopper . This is the first signal that soon a woman is expected to give birth. Up to the time of the offensive, as a rule, 10-14 days pass. The cork itself is a small clot of cervical mucus, which most often comes out simultaneously, during a visit to the toilet. This fact explains that many pregnant women may not notice this phenomenon.
  2. Increased acts of urination and defecation. This is due to the fact that the body tries to remove all the slag and harmful substances, which leads to increased digestive and excretory systems.
  3. The appearance of minor, weakly expressed pain in the lower abdomen, which are caused by contractile movements of the muscles of the small pelvis.
  4. The appearance of chills, can also be regarded as a sign that the birth will soon begin. This phenomenon is caused by a decrease in the temperature of the skin, which is due to a malfunction of the thermoregulatory system.
  5. Abdominal abscess can also be observed at this time, but in primiparas it occurs earlier.
  6. Decreased appetite can also be regarded as a relative sign of an early birth. So many pregnant women say that at later dates they do not want to eat as often as it was at the beginning of pregnancy.
  7. The decrease in the body weight of a pregnant woman occurs, as a rule, shortly before birth. This phenomenon should be considered, as a result of the disappearance of edema, which occurred until recently.
  8. The appearance of pain in the pubic area is the result of relaxation of the muscles connecting the pubic symphysis. This happens about 37-38 weeks. Pain, as a rule, is poorly expressed, and has no connection with physical loads or fatigue.

Separately it is necessary to say that the aforementioned precursors of labor during the third and subsequent birth may appear after the 38th week of pregnancy or completely absent. Those. about the beginning of the birth process the woman learns only from the outflow of amniotic fluid, which can occur only 3-4 hours before the onset of labor.

Thus, it must be said that the precursors of labor in the re-born, observed at week 38, should be a signal for preparation for departure to the hospital. A pregnant woman should psychologically adjust herself to this rather complicated and energy-consuming process.