Influenza in early pregnancy

Sometimes during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, women become ill with the flu. Then the natural question arises, how to treat it and what can be taken with it. Let's look at the therapeutic process of this disease in more detail.

What are the characteristics of flu therapy in women in the situation?

As you know, taking antiviral drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is prohibited. Therefore, the woman has nothing left to do but resort to drugs for symptomatic treatment and traditional medicine.

Thus, treatment of influenza in pregnant women in the early stages presupposes the use of antipyretic agents, an example of which may be Paracetamol. When the temperature rises above 38.5 doctors recommend taking 1 tablet of the drug.

Abundant drink is also of great practical importance in the treatment of influenza, including in the early stages of pregnancy. This leads to a rapid cleansing of the body from toxins. It is best to drink tea with raspberries, decoction of rose hips.

To facilitate coughing, doctors recommend that you perform steam inhalations using tinctures of calendula, chamomile, pine buds, St. John's wort.

When a runny nose can be used, saline solutions in the form of a spray (Humer) or a physiological solution with which to wash the nasal passages. Use of vasoconstrictor drugs is prohibited.

Is the influenza virus dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy?

This question interests almost every ill future mother. The most dangerous period is up to 12 weeks, when the laying of axial organs and systems takes place.

To the negative consequences of the current flu pregnancy carried on early terms, it is possible to relate: