Hemorrhagic cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder immediately. According to statistics, about 40-50% of all women of the planet have faced such a disease at least once in their lives. Among men, it is much less common. Only 5-6% of males are familiar with this disease. This fact is easily explained by the anatomical structure of the male and female genitourinary systems, which have significant differences.

A separate type of disease is hemorrhagic cystitis. This disease can be caused by various pathogens, both bacterial and viral. In some cases, the cause of this disease can be and E. coli .

The disease is acute and is accompanied by a severe lesion, both the mucous membrane and its vessels. That is why acute hemorrhagic cystitis is accompanied by blood secretions.

Signs of hemorrhagic cystitis

Symptoms, the presence of which allows you to determine hemorrhagic cystitis in women, are as follows:

Causes of hemorrhagic cystitis

As already mentioned above, the main causes of hemorrhagic cystitis are viruses and E. coli. In addition, it can arise because of:

  1. Defeats the body of a woman with substances of chemical origin, as well as due to prolonged neoporozhneniya bladder, which leads to a violation of blood circulation in the vessels located in it, as a result, and there is hemorrhoidal cystitis.
  2. Narrow lumen of the urethra due to an existing tumor. It can be a mechanical obstacle that prevents the bladder from being emptied in a timely manner.
  3. Reduced contractility of the walls of the bladder, which is a consequence of disorders in the central nervous system.
  4. The appearance of various foreign bodies in the area of ​​the urethral lumen, which leads to damage to its walls and infection.
  5. Non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene , which can lead to infection in the bladder.
  6. Decreased immunity.

Treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis

With a favorable course of the disease, hemorrhagic cystitis in women may disappear on their own in a week. But in this case, it is not necessary to neglect the drug treatment, which is appointed by the doctor after laboratory tests and establishing the type of pathogen. In some cases, hemorrhoidal cystitis can be the cause of anemia - as a result of the loss of blood that is excreted in the urine.

In most cases, treatment hemorrhagic cystitis is reduced to the following:

  1. The use of antibiotics. Used in cases where the disease has a bacterial etiology.
  2. Abundant drink. An increase in the amount of liquid drunk leads to increased work of the excretory system, as a result of which a part of the microorganisms is simply washed away with urine.
  3. Herbal treatment. In acute hemorrhagic cystitis, various kinds of herbal preparations are often appointed, which contain herbs that have diuretic properties.
  4. Vasculature-strengthening drugs - angioprotectors.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of any food that is an irritant to the walls of the bladder.

Any warming procedure for a disease such as hemorrhagic cystitis is contraindicated, since heat causes increased blood circulation.