Bamia - growing

Do you think that it's impossible to grow exotic African culture in our latitudes? We will prove to you back on an example of a plant okra, which has excellent taste qualities. This culture is called in different ways: both okra, and vegetable hibiscus, and bhindi, and gombo. By the way, bamia was grown by the famous writer A.Chekhov, who also practiced medicine.

Short description

Cultivation of okra varieties "Lady fingers", "Green velvet", "White cylindrical" for our truck farmers is still a curiosity. This one-year culture belongs to the family of mallow. For decorative purposes, dwarf varieties are grown, the height of which does not exceed 40 centimeters. If you want to grow this culture for the sake of fruits, then you should choose medium-sized varieties. Such plants in height can reach two meters. The fruits of okra, for the sake of which the culture is grown, are reminiscent of elongated pepper pods. One fruit can reach a size of 5 to 25 centimeters.

If the fruits are collected unripe, they can be eaten raw, adding peas to salads and soups , stewing, cooking, preserving, pickling, etc. Collected after the burrowing of peas, the fruits acquire a brown color, harden. Of these, make a substitute for coffee and butter, which in its properties can compete with olive.

Peculiarities of growing

At once we will calm beginners - difficulties in how to grow a bumiyu from seeds or saplings, are not present. But their nuances are there. If you plan to grow okra from seeds, then you can not do without a greenhouse. Whatever one may say, but culture is African, loves the warmth and abundance of light. If the greenhouse is not heated, then first you have to grow seedlings. Seeds are sown in the last days of spring in peat pots. This condition is mandatory. The fact is that the fragile and subtle roots of okra transplant are unlikely to survive. The soil must be fertile, fertilized. After deepening the seeds by 34 centimeters, the soil is watered, but not abundantly, in order to avoid the appearance of a crust. In two weeks the seeds germinate. The higher the ambient temperature, the faster you will see young seedlings. They can be fertilized with nitrophic or phosphoric top dressing. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted on the open ground. Please, culture does not like thickening. The minimum distance is about 50 centimeters.

Care for bamia

The key to successful okra cultivation is proper watering. This culture tolerates neither drought nor excess moisture. But remember the length of the roots of okra! They reach a length of forty centimeters, so regularly check the soil moisture at this depth. The culture is growing at a very rapid pace, already 2.5 months after planting, the early-ripening okra gives the first fruits. It is desirable during this period to make potassium nitrate or humus.

With regard to harvesting, then replenish the supplies of okra every other day. If you hesitate, the fruits overripe and become stiff, dense. Immediately after harvesting, fruits should be eaten, to process or freeze, because in a day or two they will become coarsened. The process of fruiting the okra continues until the first nocturnal frosts. Even -3 for culture is not the limit, but fruiting will slow down noticeably.

If you are satisfied with the harvest and taste of this African exot, take care of harvesting the seeds. To do this, leave a few pods on the bush. Only when the ground part completely withers, tear the fruits and take out the seeds. In a dark, dry place with room temperature, they easily lay down until the next season.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to grow an okra, but you can always please your household with the unusual taste of this exotic plant.