Exercises for pectoral muscles

Even if you are given by nature a beautiful, high chest, this does not mean that it does not need to be regularly maintained by exercises. And for those girls whom nature has not awarded with such happiness, exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles is a real necessity! Working on the development of the muscular system, you can significantly improve the shape of the breast and give it the necessary tone.

Bodybuilding: exercises for pectoral muscles

It is worth noting that it is not recommended for girls to exercise too intensively for pectoral muscles. The fact is that the mammary glands are composed of fatty tissue and excessive loads will lead to the fact that the breast can lose several centimeters. To prevent this, exercise should be done slowly and without fanaticism - 2-3 times a week is enough.

In addition, it is recommended to work with weights and observe a protein diet - this will allow to develop the pectoral muscles on which the glands rest, which will make the breast look more beautiful.

Until now, there are girls who are interested in the question of what exercises for pectoral muscles can increase the bust. Breast augmentation by exercises is impossible, because exercise develops muscle tissue, and the breast consists of fat. By giving the muscles a physical load, you simply make the chest taller and more tight, but do not significantly increase its volume.

Exercises for pectoral muscles for women

To put yourself in order, it is enough to perform such simple exercises for pectoral muscles a couple of times a week.

Push-ups from the knees

Sprinkle on the floor with your hands, knees and toe socks so that the body from the shoulders to the knees is one straight line. Press 10-20 times, follow 2-3 approaches. For each approach, change the position of the hands: then the palms are parallel to each other, then look to the center, then - to the sides. When this is easy, go to the classic version with the support of the toes and palms.

This exercise is complex, and it contributes not only to improving the shape of the breast, but also to strengthening the press, back and hands.

Exercise with dumbbells

Lying on the floor on the back, legs bent at the knees, hands in the sides, in the hands of dumbbells. Take your hands straight ahead and slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times.

Exercise with dumbbells for breast enhancement

Lying on the floor on the back, legs bent at the knees, arms stretched up perpendicular to the floor, in the hands of dumbbells. Lower the straight arms behind the head and slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times.

Dumbbell bench press

Lying on the back on the bench, hands below the body, bent at the elbows at right angles, elbows down, in the hands of dumbbells, legs bent at the knees. Raise your bent arms to the level of your chest and slowly lower them back.

Exercise "Prayer"

Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, hands in front of him, bent at the elbows, palms pressed against each other at the chest level. Strongly press on your hands, feeling the muscles of your chest tighten. Count to 10. Relax, shake hands and repeat several more times until feeling tired.

Exercise "The Wall"

Standing in front of the wall with his back to her, his legs are shoulder-width apart, his arms are arbitrary. Pull your back against the wall and push it with all your might, as if you were moving it. Strain your chest muscles. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes, then return to the original position. Repeat 2-3 times.

If you plan to study in the gym, exercises will be available for you in the simulator and using an incline bench. Be sure to take advantage of these advantages!