Interval running

If you are striving to develop endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system and get rid of excess weight, interval running will ensure you quickly achieve all these goals. Its essence lies in the alternation of loading regimes. One period of time you run at a calm pace, the next - in the accelerated mode at the limit of your speed.

Interval run for weight loss

This cardio works great for fat burning, and it can be done on the street, if the weather permits. Interval training on a treadmill in a fitness club can be no less effective. There are several types of interval running:

Interval sprint perfectly develops endurance and helps to improve its performance in speed. The entire distance is divided into segments, some of which you run slowly, and the part at the limit of its capabilities. The length of the segments determine for yourself, at first it can be a short distance of 100-200 meters. Gradually increase their length. In classical training, the distance can reach two kilometers. The number of repetitions is also determined by your feelings.

Repeated running differs in that it is used for long distances of 1-4 kilometers. The segment must be run all the while. After that time is given for restoring breathing and rhythm of the heart to about 120 beats per minute. After rest the distance is again overcome in the accelerated mode.

And, finally, the tempo run. This interval training method is based on overcoming large segments at almost the maximum speed, while on each next "high-speed" segment the load increases and you need to try to pass it faster than the previous one. In between, they give time for rest. This is one of the most exhausting, but effective methods of improving your endurance.

High-intensity interval training: preparation.

Interval or ragged run gives the heart an increased load, makes it develop and adapt to the new intensified regime. Thus, you strengthen the whole body as a whole, and also spend a lot of energy and at the same time burn excess fat. However, such intensive training should prepare the body. To do this, start with the classic running for long distances, gradually increasing both the distance and the running speed. As soon as you feel that you can easily manage large distances at a good speed, start interval training.

And remember, in the end you do not need to drop the speed, gradually go to jogging, calm your breathing and only then - a step. You will quickly notice how much your health has improved with such training.