Allergic cough - symptoms and treatment in adults

A dry allergic cough in an adult is a reaction of the body to external stimuli. To get rid of painful spasms, it is necessary to eliminate negative factors.

Signs of an allergic cough in adults

Most often, the symptoms of an allergic cough in adults are unexpected. The provoking factor is contact with the allergen. Distinguish allergic cough from ARVI can, if you consider several symptoms:

As you can see, it is not difficult to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold. In addition, if you do not allow the patient to contact the allergen, the cough immediately stops.

There is a cough for a simple reason - the allergen enters the body through the respiratory tract. Therefore, they are the ones that are irritated first.

How to treat an allergic cough in adults?

The best way to cure an allergic cough in an adult is to reveal an allergen. But a person often has no idea what leads to an inadequate reaction of the body. It should be noted right away that the definition of an allergen takes quite a long time, it may take months to find out the cause.

In this case, adults are prescribed medications for allergic cough, as well as physiotherapy:

  1. Suprastin and Diazolin are short-acting antihistamines. Allow to quickly cough up a coughing fit. If necessary, a lasting effect is recommended by Erius.
  2. Between meals is shown to take the sorbent. You can use activated or white coal, Atoxil .
  3. If coughing attacks occur with a pronounced difficulty in breathing, the reception of Eufillin or Berodual is indicated.
  4. When a severe reaction of the body, an acute attack is removed with Prednisolone injections.

Knowing how adults develop an allergic cough, and why such a reaction develops, you can significantly reduce the risk. To do this, it is necessary to train yourself to wash the nasal passages with physiological saline every day. If for any reason you can not wash your nose, you can do inhalation.

Preventive measures will help to reduce the risk of an acute attack:

  1. If the cause of cough is food, you need to carefully monitor your diet.
  2. Often, the allergy is caused by contact with the coat, therefore, you can not wear clothes made from such a fabric.
  3. You need to spend more time in the room wet cleaning, eliminating dust.
  4. Unfortunately, joint living with animals can lead to an allergic cough. Therefore, do not start pets, if the allergen is wool or feathers.
  5. It is necessary to minimize contact with cosmetics, as well as household chemicals.

If the symptom is like an allergic cough, an adult will need competent treatment. You can independently determine the type of allergen and do preventive care, but with acute course it is necessary to resort to the help of a professional allergist.