How many months after birth do they get?

After the conception has occurred, a woman can forget about menstruation for at least nine months. This is due to the development of certain hormones that prepare the body for bearing and giving birth to the baby. But when the long-awaited event finally happens, my mother starts to worry about how much after the birth the first menstrual period comes. When this happens, determined by the individual characteristics of a particular representative of the fair sex and a number of other factors. Let us consider them in more detail.

When can I expect the next menstruation after childbirth?

If you came to see a gynecologist, the first question that you ask him, most likely, will be: "How long after the birth should you have a period?" There can not be a single answer, but the basic facts about it that you will interesting to know, look like this:

  1. If you feed your child with a breast on demand, worry about how long after the delivery comes monthly, yet not worth it. Most often they will not start until you finish the lactation or reduce the number of feedings. This is because during the entire period of breastfeeding in the pituitary gland the special hormone prolactin is intensively produced . It not only stimulates the production of milk, but also stops the functioning of the ovaries. Therefore, there is no normal menstrual cycle.
  2. Provided that the crumb from birth only receives mother's milk and you feed it at intervals of no more than three to four hours, including at night, in the near future, it is not worth waiting for the appearance of menstruation. If a woman is interested, after how many months after the birth, in such a case, menstrual periods come, she should know that, provided that late complementary foods are introduced (6 months according to WHO standards), critical days will not begin until the baby turns a year old.
  3. Some mothers in the old manner begin to introduce the child a lure rather early - at 3-4 months. Then any doctor who approximately imagines, how many months after the birth begin monthly in these conditions, will suggest that you should wait for them six months after the birth of your son or daughter.
  4. Sometimes a baby can not only breastfeed and has to resort to mixed feeding, introducing a mixture into his diet. In this situation, the menstrual cycle will begin to recover within three to four months after delivery.
  5. Mom, who for some reason could not establish breastfeeding, most of all it is interesting, after how many days after the birth, monthly starts. Non-feeding them should be expected after 6-10 weeks.