How to clean the stomach after cesarean?

Every woman wants to be beautiful, including after the birth of a child. But not always a young mother is satisfied with how her belly looks after delivery, and, especially, after cesarean section. If a child was born with the help of a surgical intervention, then it is impossible to play sports for at least six months and the question of how to remove the stomach after a cesarean section is very acute.

How to tighten the stomach after cesarean?

In a period when physical activity is not yet permitted after cesarean, massage of the abdomen and contrasting compresses are recommended. In this case we are talking about self-massage. To begin it is necessary with easy strokes and tapping, gradually adding not strong pressure and / or tweaks. In this case, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the joints. Continue the massage until the skin becomes pink.

Another useful procedure - contrasting wraps. Do it this way: alternately apply to the stomach first cold, then hot towels. However, in the beginning, it is absolutely necessary to consult a gynecologist and his permission for such procedures. After the wraps, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. In general, the use of creams and scrubs is another not forbidden means by which you can bring yourself to the form. In general, such procedures increase the tone of the skin and muscles, which means that the stomach is gradually getting tighter.

There are some more tricks that, on the one hand, do not require special efforts, but on the other hand they can help make the tummy flat. The first is a dream on the stomach. In this position, the abdominal muscles recover more quickly, and the uterus decreases more rapidly in size. Another useful exercise is drawing in the belly. You can do this always and everywhere, even on a walk with a child. Over time, the muscles will get used to being in the right position, and no longer have to exert much effort.

After six months, you can begin to train the press, doing simple exercises at home. After some time and after consulting a doctor, you can sign up for a fitness center. To date, there are many directions in fitness with different techniques, speed, aimed at different needs, and every woman will be able to choose something suitable for her. However, it is very important to warn the instructor about the transferred cesarean section so that he can correctly choose a set of exercises and distribute the load.

How to remove an apron after cesarean section?

You can often find a situation when the stomach hangs after a cesarean. In this case, we are most likely talking about the skin-fat apron, which is an excess of skin-fat tissue hanging down to the groin area. In appearance it resembles an apron, which is why it got its name.

Fight this phenomenon can be known methods:

When no methods help, and get rid of the abdomen left after cesarean, I really want to make plastic. This radical method is called abdominoplasty. But before deciding to take such a step, a woman should weigh the pros and cons, and take into account that abdominoplasty is a complex and lengthy operation that is conducted under general anesthesia. In addition, after the operation, a long and well-marked scar remains on the abdomen.

Choosing a way to get rid of the abdomen, a woman should understand that to remove the stomach after a cesarean section is not easy, the recovery is, as a rule, slower than after the natural birth, but do not despair. Patience and hard work will help you get back in shape!