Buckwheat diet of Dr. Alekseev

Doctor Anatoly Alekseev, director and presenter of the program "Help yourself", offers buckwheat diet for those who want to lose weight and improve their health.

Rules of the buckwheat diet of Alekseev

Alekseev's diet is based on two components: buckwheat groats and kefir with one-percent fat content. But from the fourth day of the diet, fresh raw vegetables can be included in the diet. They can be eaten with buckwheat or separately. When choosing vegetables for a diet Alekseev recommends stopping your attention on turnips and radishes. In addition, he advises to add to the diet of parsley and sesame.

In addition, Dr. Alekseyev's diet has such features:

  1. Observe the buckwheat diet of Dr. Alekseev is necessary for two weeks.
  2. During the diet, it is recommended to drink about two liters of liquid. This can include pure water and any unsweetened tea.
  3. Buckwheat porridge should be cooked on the water without adding any spices and salt.
  4. Salt and sugar should be completely excluded from the diet.
  5. Buckwheat it is better not to boil, and pour boiling water overnight, taking two glasses of water on a glass of cereal.
  6. The first three days you need to eat only buckwheat porridge. You can consume it as long as you want.
  7. From the fourth day of dietary nutrition, raw vegetables and yogurt should be added to the diet. Kefir and vegetables can be consumed with buckwheat or separately.
  8. If during the diet Alekseev there were unpleasant changes in digestion and strong weakness, then this diet should be discarded.
  9. After two weeks of diet, a break is necessary in a month and a half. Then the diet can be repeated.
  10. Four hours before bedtime, you need to stop eating, but with severe hunger, you can afford a glass of kefir before going to bed.

Buckwheat diet Anatoly Alekseev allows you to lose weight in two weeks by 12 kg. However, if the weight is not much higher than normal, the weight loss will not be so noticeable.