Which linoleum is better for an apartment?

When the apartment is being repaired, it is not necessary to waste time on materials, as this can later come out sideways. The choice of these materials should be carried out with full responsibility and increased care. Agree, it will be sad if the thing you bought for "very expensive" did not justify itself, having served only a few months just because the conditions of its operation were incorrectly calculated and taken into account. All this applies including flooring, in particular linoleum .

How to choose linoleum?

What it is necessary to know about linoleum before its purchase, and in general before a choice of this floor covering? Linoleum - a dense, curved waterproof material that is used to cover the floor and walls. It is one of the most convenient and affordable types of wall and floor coverings. The choice of linoleum for an apartment depends on the destination of the premises in which it is planned for its flooring and the climatic conditions of these premises. Playing a role in the choice of linoleum patency of premises and observance of special conditions for individual rooms (kitchen, bathroom) or for the whole apartment.

Of course, not the last role is assigned to quality. To date, to buy a quality linoleum in order to cover the floor in an apartment in total is not difficult. The first and the main rule is that the purchase of the material must be addressed to the verified stores that will be able to confirm the quality of the products with the appropriate certificate. Linoleum for an apartment of good quality and good condition will not contain cracks and faded spots.

So, in order to determine what kind of linoleum you need to bed in the apartment, let's deal with varieties of linoleum.

Varieties of linoleum

When choosing a linoleum for an apartment, you need to know that such a coating can be of several types, depending on the premises: industrial, office, residential and low-traffic areas. Find out for which room is designed linoleum very easily. To do this, just look at the label or on the reverse side of the linoleum, which contains the marking. In the marking indicate the destination with the help of numbers: 1 - rooms with a minimum of patency; 2 - living quarters; 3 - office premises; 4 - production facilities. When buying linoleum for an apartment, you need to choose the one whose markings indicate "1" or "2".

And, of course, let's talk about the material from which make linoleum. Depending on this, linoleum is divided into:

Is linoleum bad in the apartment?

Many are mistaken, believing that any linoleum other than natural is harmful to the apartment, but these are all myths, except when the tenants of the apartment have an allergic reaction to substances that can contain linoleum. If the linoleum of its type is intended for use as a floor covering in the apartment, then it absolutely does not cause any harm to your health.