Retrovariation of the uterus

Retrovariation of the uterus is a condition caused by the peculiarities of the position of the uterus. The following happens:

It is known that the retrodeaviation of the body of the uterus is a consequence of a violation of the tone of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus. In this regard, weakening of the suspending and supporting functions of the surrounding uterus tissues. Also, retrodeviation may be a consequence of congenital anomalies in the structure of internal genital organs. Often, this condition can cause prolonged chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. At the same time, due to the formation of adhesions, a fixed retrodeviation is formed.

Manifestations of retrodeviation

Most women who have retrodeaviation of the uterus, learn about this when gynecological examination. Especially if the degree of deviation of the uterus is not pronounced. If the retrodeaviation is mobile, then this condition can not be manifested in any way and there is no need for treatment. In the case of a fixed retrodeviation of the uterus, a more pronounced bend is observed. Accordingly, the manifestation of the following symptom complex is characteristic:

  1. Dull, pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Because of the adhesive process, there is often difficulty in urinating and defecating.
  3. Pathological discharge from the vagina, as a consequence of the inflammatory process.
  4. With a pronounced bend, the blood vessels are transported and the blood supply of the uterus is disturbed.

Retrovascularization of the uterus and pregnancy

Abnormal position of the uterus is not a contraindication to the birth of a child. Often as the uterus grows during pregnancy, gradual alignment of its position occurs. With retrodeviatsii uterus, there are cases of development of abortion or inability to conceive. But, as a rule, the cause of this is related causes, not related to the position of the uterus. Therefore, retrodeaviation of the uterus and pregnancy may well coexist.


With a movable bend, it is possible to carry out a manual correction of the position of the uterus. But it is possible that in time the uterus will return to its original position. There is a method of treatment with the help of uterine pessaries , which keep the right position of the uterus.

If the cause is known, the main treatment should be directed at its elimination. For example, the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

If symptoms persist and there is no effect from the above methods, surgical treatment is used.