The big toe hurts

Today, people often face various leg ailments. The reason for this is a decrease in physical activity. If the big toe hurts, it indicates not only the shoes that do not fit the size, but also the presence of serious ailments. Therefore, it is so important to understand the factors of its development.

Causes of pain

There may be pain for many reasons:

Aching joints of the big toes with arthrosis

As mentioned earlier, uncomfortable shoes are the cause of arthrosis. The most common pathology in women who are willing to endure pain for the sake of beauty. Fingers are strongly compressed between themselves, there is a violation of blood circulation and the thumb begins to deform. When arthrosis affects the bones, as well as joints. They begin to expand, that even ordinary finger movements are accompanied by pain.

Ingrown nail

This disease is characterized by the onset of pain syndrome, redness, infections and swelling. Two factors can cause this ailment:

When the edge of the nail plate is rounded, it begins to expand in breadth, piercing the skin. Pain can increase with the attachment of suppuration and the spread of infection.

Pain of the joint of the big toe with gout

If the patient is concerned about the discomfort in the area of ​​the joint of the foot with the finger, then this indicates not just a bruise or rubbing, but the presence of a serious disease - gout. Determine the disease can be on such grounds:

The cause of the disease is the deposition of salts in the abuse of fatty and meat products. Accumulating, the substances form a growth, which in appearance looks like a bone.

Pain in the big toe, manifested with diabetes

If the patient is concerned about pain, the doctor should inquire about the presence of diabetes mellitus, because then the pain can indicate such a nuisance as a diabetic foot. Severe stages of diabetes are accompanied by problems with blood flow in the capillaries. Tissues experience deficiency of important substances and stops start to hurt. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the ailment gradually develops into gangrene, in which amputation will be inevitable.

Treatment of pain in the big toes

Having found pain, it is necessary to consult one of the specialists listed below:

The fight against the disease is primarily aimed at identifying the disease and its elimination. Having studied the symptoms and tests, the doctor will put a suitable diagnosis and select the necessary therapy:

  1. In case of arthrosis, the patient is prescribed laser therapy, treatment with mud and ultrasound. To reduce pain, anesthetics are injected. In the absence of effectiveness of these methods resort to surgical intervention.
  2. With pains of the big toes on the legs with gout, the patient prescribes a diet and special means.
  3. When the nail grows, remove the damaging tissue from the nail plate and place the bandage with a disinfectant that helps to pull pus out of the wound.