Beauty of a female body

Probably, it is very difficult to find a woman who does not want to have a beautiful body. And what is the beauty of the female body? It would seem a strange question. About this so much written and spoken. Do not count the poems about the beauty of the female body. Again in different magazines the most beautiful female bodies of the world are shown in different angles for a hundred times. The beauty of a female nude body for many centuries is a source of inspiration for artists, sculptors, architects. But in reality everything is not so simple.

The ideal of female beauty at different times and in different societies was different. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russia, the noble family was a subtle, low, girl-like young lady, the merchants had a pompous, burly hostess at home, and the peasants had a tall, dense and physically strong woman. The beauty of the female body was determined by the social role - the gentility of the noblewoman emphasized her noble origin, the completeness of the merchant woman - the wealth of the trading house, the powerful figure of the peasant woman - the ability for hard work and frequent childbirth.

The modern idea of ​​the beauty and sexuality of the female body is already oriented toward a certain average ideal, dictated more by fashion magazines than by a vital necessity. Women often complex because their appearance does not correspond to a certain stereotype. Although in real life, men often stop admiring glances not on a model beauty, like a doll from "Children's World", and on a woman not at all a Hollywood sample.

The beauty of the female body is a very subjective concept. The most beautiful female body today is most often a beautiful sportive female body. Therefore, for a modern woman, exercise, fitness, swimming is not a whim, but a way to keep your figure in the right shape.

Every woman can change her body for the better. Many believe that a full woman is unattractive. In fact, the beauty of the female body is less dependent on the fullness or thinness. The masculine view does not turn away from fullness, but looseness and neglect. Similarly, in another case: a beautiful pumped up female body is incomparably more attractive than exhausted with inefficient diets to the state of anorexia.

Needless to say, a slim, smart woman is good. The most beautiful female body is not 90-60-90, but well-groomed and organized. The first is clear, but what does the latter mean? This means that a woman knows how to hide shortcomings, emphasize virtues and works on adjusting the figure. it is achieved through a set of physical exercises, a properly selected diet, cosmetics. Proper selection of clothes and linen is of great importance.

Probably, many saw the series "Do not be born beautiful," whose heroine from a wretched effigy turned into a beauty. This is not a fairy tale - indeed, a very beautiful female body may not be a natural gift, but the result of the work of stylists, cosmetologists, fitness instructors, nutritionists, but first of all - the woman herself.

What to look for first? The most beautiful female parts of the body are trained legs, arms, chest and hips. Their condition should be given special attention. The beauty of the naked female body depends on the condition and purity of the skin. The impression of the best figure will be hopelessly spoiled by her lack of care.

Thus, the beauty of the female body depends not only on nature, but also on the woman herself. If the poet, seeing you, begins to write poetry about the beauty of the female body - it's good, but even better, if you yourself feel confident, beautiful and desirable.