How to cure psoriasis forever at home?

Psoriasis is considered one of the most difficult diseases for therapy. Until now, no single sequence of medical measures has been developed, which would equally effectively help all patients. Therefore, periodically there is information about various improbable ways how to cure psoriasis forever at home. Similar methods, involving the purchase of expensive drugs or unique instructions, are common fraud.

Is it possible to cure psoriasis forever?

The described pathology is a chronic and progressive disease. So far, there is no treatment to completely eliminate it. In medicine, complex therapy is practiced, consisting of a series of activities that perform the following tasks:

  1. Affect the cause of exacerbation of psoriasis.
  2. Reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
  3. They support the immune system of the body.

There are no ways how to permanently cure psoriasis. But it is quite possible to control this disease for a long time and independently prevent its relapse. For this, there are proven and proven methods of medical research, as well as some folk remedies.

How to get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis once and for all?

First, the patient needs to adjust the diet and lifestyle.

Recommended diet food by Pegano. This method involves creating a menu with the correct percentage of alkali and acid-forming products - 70-80% by 20-30%, respectively. It is necessary to exclude:

It is also necessary to give up everything that provokes allergic reactions, often they are caused by citrus, chocolate, strawberry and tomatoes.

Regarding lifestyle:

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The chair should be 1-2 times a day.
  3. Moisten and soften the skin. Use only hypoallergenic agents.
  4. Daily to give time to gymnastics or gymnastics. This is especially important in the presence of psoriatic arthritis.
  5. Avoid intoxication, hormonal and antibiotic therapy (exclusively under the supervision of a doctor).
  6. It is good to rest and sleep.
  7. Do not comb and do not injure the skin even with severe itching.
  8. In time to visit the dentist, caries provokes relapses.
  9. Keep a positive attitude, avoid stress and emotional overload.
  10. Regularly visit specialized sanatoriums, sea water helps to fight the skin manifestations of the disease.

Medicamental treatment, which allows you to control the course of psoriasis:

In addition, patients are recommended physiotherapy, selective phototherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, acupuncture and similar methods of treatment. The individual scheme is developed by the doctor taking into account the age of the person, the severity of the symptoms of the pathology, the frequency of relapses and other nuances.

How to cure the manifestations of psoriasis forever by folk remedies?

Care should be taken with alternative therapies. The fact is that herbal decoctions, lotions, compresses and infusions, as well as bee products (honey, propolis), often used in the manufacture of folk remedies, often cause allergic reactions and worsening of the patient's condition. Neutral means can be considered:

But the use of even the listed products is important to be agreed with a specialist in advance. Self-treatment is extremely dangerous.