How to deal with drowsiness?

There is nothing sweeter than a sound and healthy sleep. However, in the world of the Internet and constant stresses, such a problem as fatigue and drowsiness is regularly on the agenda. And given that many of us prefer to spend weekends in nightclubs and at parties, it's not surprising that the body is constantly begging for real, valuable rest.

How to overcome fatigue and drowsiness at work?

It happens that bouts of apathy, fatigue and drowsiness are the result of a banal lack of sleep. If you have used the night hours not for their intended purpose, you can cheer up using the following methods:

How to overcome chronic drowsiness?

It's one thing if you feel tired due to lack of rest one or two days, and another, when drowsiness is your constant companion for a long time. This concept, like the syndrome of chronic fatigue , seriously worries many doctors. First of all you can apply to them to take tests and make sure that constant fatigue, drowsiness and apathy are not the result of a malfunction in the hormonal background. In addition, listen to our advice:

If you carefully read our advice, you should have noticed that they can be formulated in a simple motto: love yourself and respect your body. You will see, he will reciprocate you!