Intellectual abilities

Everyone knows about the tests for checking the intelligence coefficient, and many even passed them, marveling at strange questions, revealing either the ability to count, or the richness of the vocabulary. So what is this ability to intellectual activity, and why strive for its improvement?

Development of intellectual abilities

In the general sense, the intellect is understood as the system of all cognitive processes - thinking, sensations, memory, perceptions, attention, perception and imagination. The concept of intelligence helps to generalize the behavioral characteristics needed to adapt a person to the changing conditions of life. Identify the ability to solve life problems, verbal (reading comprehension, lexical stock, erudition) and practical intelligence (the ability to achieve goals). Thus, the intellect can be considered a certain stage of development of the thinking apparatus. In turn, the ability to intellectual activity is a combination of individual features of perception and processing of incoming information. The structure of the intellectual abilities of man looks like this:

  1. Deposit - the basis, due to the nuances of the structure of the brain.
  2. General, manifested equally in any kind of activity - memory , learning, attentiveness.
  3. Special - are needed for certain types of activities. For example, a musical ear or commercial savvy.
  4. Group, developing on the basis of special and common makings.
  5. Professional abilities, which are manifested in labor processes.

For a long time it was believed that a person is born with a certain mindset that can not be changed. Later it became known that an unchanged base does exist, but we are responsible for having most of these skills ourselves. The most rapid development of intellectual abilities is in managerial activities, for sure, everyone has an acquaintance who, having received at least a couple of people in submission, began to progress rapidly.

But how to develop intellectual abilities, if it is still far from the chief's chair? The answer is simple - to master new knowledge and skills that will be required for professional activities. And do not think that you are no longer able to learn anything new, you always have a chance to find useful information for yourself.

  1. For example, get in the habit of reading news and specialized literature related to your work. And, use sources not only in Russian, so you will definitely find more interesting moments. Of course, the information received must be analyzed, trying to find ways to apply new data in your situation.
  2. Well, if you do not speak English well, reading professional literature in a foreign language is a great way to improve your knowledge. By the way, the study of languages ​​is also perfectly coached by our intellect.
  3. Do not forget about leisure, it should not be passive, you can watch your favorite TV series, of course, you can, but do not spend all your free time on it, find more fun for intellect entertainment. For example, learn to play chess, if you do not want to join you, play with the computer.
  4. Assembling large complex puzzles, solving crossword puzzles and reading books on any topic interesting you, too, will help to develop intelligence. The main thing is to not learn to do anything mechanically, especially when it comes to reading. Do not "swallow" the book, consider the actions of the protagonists, create alternative stories that could happen, act the characters of the story differently.

Simply put, make your brain work, do not become a biorobot with a minimum of physiological needs and a simple control system.