Rules of speech etiquette

"Good morning" - this is how we usually greet colleagues when we come to work, and without knowing it ourselves we follow the rules of speech etiquette in communication. They are quite diverse and, at first glance, boring and only interfere with the normal course of the conversation. But in fact, without such restrictions, it would be impossible to make the conversation understandable for each of its participants.

The notion of modern speech etiquette

Any conversation is conducted according to its rules, and they are so stable that we follow them, absolutely without thinking about the sequence of actions. Nobody will come to mind to start a conversation with the farewell formula? Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette contributes to the benevolent course of the conversation, but disregarding them can even become a prerequisite for conflict. For example, an appeal to "you" to an unknown person is allowed only on the Internet, in a "live" conversation this will cause bewilderment, and if a person is older in age, then indignation. The communication etiquette regulates behavior in various situations, and the used turnovers provide information on the degree of familiarity of the interlocutors, their social status, age, and the situation of communication. Despite its stability, speech formulas are subject to historical change, for example, the appeal of "madam" today looks hopelessly outdated.

It is curious that these rules are based not only on moral norms, but also on cultural and national traditions. That is, getting acquainted with the rules of speech etiquette, we can get some idea about the culture of the country or region, with representatives of which we will need to communicate. It is worth considering that these rules are not uniform, that is, in addition to national differences, there are differences of a social nature. For example, formulas used in a conversation with a child will be inappropriate when communicating with an adult. This is often found in kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, having got used to one of the norms of communication, it is difficult for them to reconstruct themselves, so it seems to others that they are treated like children. In such nuances, the complexity of the concept of "speech etiquette", whether you arrange negotiations with business partners or get together for friendly gatherings, go get a passport or go to a beauty salon - every kind of your communication will obey your rules.

Signs of modern speech etiquette

As already mentioned above, the rules to which communication is subject are so fixed that we use them unconsciously. To better understand this phenomenon, it is worth knowing about its main features.

  1. The need to comply with the rules of communication established by society.
  2. Use of speech actions to express thoughts and emotions. There are a lot of options for such actions, some of them are capable of combining several functions. For example, with the word "thank you" we can thank, while apologizing, and sometimes it is used to express negative emotions.
  3. Social "stroking" - this is how the addressee perceives the adherence to the rules of etiquette. Turning to the interlocutor "in form" (respectfully to the boss, a cheerful greeting to a friend), we set it up to the benevolent rad, which gives an opportunity for a favorable course of conversation.
  4. Explicit or hidden representation of the communicating parties: "Thank you very much" or "Sorry, I will not do it again".
  5. A direct relationship between the rules of speech etiquette and politeness is an ethical category that is an important characteristic of a person.

Speech etiquette regulates not only the ways of treatment and farewells, but also the conduct of a conversation. So, it is required to watch that the topic of conversation was interesting to all the participants of the conversation, to maintain the interest of the listener and avoid categorical. In fact, there are many more rules, but compliance with these rules is crucial for a successful conversation.