Calculate ovulation for the conception of a girl

In the modern world it is becoming increasingly popular to consciously approach planning for both future pregnancy and the sex of the child. Many parents want a child of a particular gender, often a girl, as this is a great chance to bring a little princess into her home. Many mothers believe that girls are much more mobile, they are playful and cheerful.

Sometimes, in the presence of certain genetic diseases, it is possible only the birth of a girl. In this case, artificial selection of a child's sex is used by placing several embryos in the uterus.

But how to be ordinary parents who dream of their daughter?

There are many popular, scientifically proven and completely unprovable methods and methods for calculating ovulation for the conception of a girl. The first thing that such parents recommend is taking into account the favorable days for the conception of the girl. These days coincide with the days of the end of the cycle, but should not fall on the period of ovulation, because at that moment a high probability of the birth of a boy. The schedule for the conception of the girl includes taking into account the favorable days for conception, the preferential choice of shallow penetration positions, the prohibition on the use of lubricants and the use of a condom on days not intended for conception.

Favorable days for the conception of a girl

The days of conception of the girl, as a rule, fall on the 5th-8th day of the cycle. The ovulation of the girl is explained by the greater resistance of spermatozoa with the X chromosome, with less mobility. Favorable time for conception of the girl should be at least 3 days before ovulation, as in this case only X-spermatozoa will reach their goal by the day of ovulation. However, this method does not give a 100% guarantee.

Calculate the date of conception of a girl with regard to ovulation can help online calculators calculating ovulation. But, of course, that no one will give a reliable 100% result.

Probability of conception of a girl

The possibility of conception of a girl grows with a preliminary transition to the correct mode of nutrition with the exception of spicy, salted and roasted. This fact is pseudo-scientific, but the observance of proper nutrition before pregnancy is recommended to many couples when planning.

It is believed that dairy products, sweets, dried fruits, herbal teas increase the likelihood of conception of the girl.

With an irregular cycle, uncertainty in the dates of ovulation, delay in menstruation, it is recommended to use basal temperature charts.