Bulimia - consequences

The more dangerous bulimia is and the consequences of this disease - the topic of our today's conversation.

Bulimia is overeating, gluttony. The disease is associated with serious psychological problems, so it is very important to start treatment on time.

What causes bulimia?

Patients with bulimia are held hostage to their weaknesses. A strong, strong-willed person rarely gets into such an unpleasant situation. Bulimia is a potential enemy for insecure people. Filling the emptiness in the soul, "jamming" problems - all this is fraught with serious consequences.

The result of the often caused vomiting is a violation of the acid-base balance in the human body. The latter can lead to periodic stops of breathing during sleep, disturbances of the heart rhythm, to severe convulsions.

In addition, the gastric juice will gradually destroy the tooth enamel, change their color and cause tooth decay. In the future they will crack and crumble, it will be extremely difficult to stop this process.

It should also be noted that gastric juice can gradually destroy lung tissue. This, in turn, can lead to a severe form of pneumonia

Recovery after bulimia

When the disease receded, it is important to take a responsible approach to nutrition. After bulimia, do not abuse large portions, high-calorie and fatty foods. Be sure to set the power mode, think through the menu. Let your physician help you in this.

First time you should pay special attention not to light vegetable soups, chicken broth with rye croutons, vegetable puree, salads, porridges. Especially useful are oatmeal and buckwheat groats.

Fish and steamed meat with a minimum amount of spices is your choice. The main thing to remember is that the portions should be small. It is better to eat a little, but often (4-5 meals). Once or twice a week, arrange a day off for yourself. Do not get carried away by hot drinks. A lot of sugar and acid (for example, tea with lemon) is also contraindicated to you. Drink more water, at least two liters a day.

Try to stay in a good mood. Positive attitude and cheerfulness will help you to quickly adapt to the "new" life. Be sure to find for yourself some hobby, a hobby.

In the future, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a shish kebab or ice cream. The main thing, know the measure.