How to determine the sex of chicken?

People who are little familiar with the breeding of chickens , this question will seem ridiculous and insignificant. But it is very important for farmers or ordinary lovers to know who a small chicken will grow, whether it's a cockerel or a chicken. It is for them that we have compiled this instruction, which can help to cope with such a difficult task as determining the sex of your domestic feathered pets.

Determining the sex of chickens

  1. This method can with an accuracy of 65% help you to separate chickens from bettas. Gently pick up your feathered ward for the scruff and see how he will keep his legs. The hen tries to twist the sticks and raise their paws. And in future males they usually hang exactly.
  2. Pick up the chicken by the legs and see how it will hold your head. If you believe this method, the chicken will raise it up, the males will continue to hang in your hands quietly.
  3. If you have your incubator, then you can check one more feature - hens hatch from eggs almost always a little earlier than males. If you mark the chicks that are born first, then in the first half of the offspring there will be more representatives of the female than the males. This method is correct, as with artificial incubation, and with natural incubation.
  4. The Japanese method says that the males on the inner side of the cloaca should have a characteristic tubercle. It is necessary to perform the following operation very carefully. The toddler is taken to the left hand and very gently presses his finger on his tummy. This is necessary in order to flush the intestine from the chick. Then, keeping his head down, you can try to unclench the cloaca with a thumb and forefinger, and see the presence or absence of a bump.
  5. With age, a chicken girl and a chicken boy behave slightly differently. If the chicks are about 3 weeks or more, then in a stressful situation, they manifest themselves according to gender. Try to scare the group of chickens and look at their reaction. Initially, the whole group will run up to the sides, but then the males will take the defensive position with their head held high. But the future chickens will basically try to sit down, lower their head and try to pretend to be motionless.
  6. Some breeds of males can be distinguished from chickens in size and color of the comb already relatively at an early age. In female it is yellowish and small. But in males it becomes red and more noticeable, which makes it possible to sort the herd almost with an accuracy of 98%. But it must be taken into account that in birds of large breeds this feature begins to act somewhat later - at about five weeks of age.

Some people grow the bird solely for meat . It is better for them to have a number of birds, consisting of the maximum of males. But the mistresses, who want to get eggs, care about having more at the chicken home farm. The presence of a large number of aggressive males in such a feathered team is undesirable. Therefore, knowing how to determine the sex of a chicken will not be superfluous to anyone who breeds poultry.