How to ease the bouts

The word "contractions" is closely associated with pain and fear, and this is natural. But you do not need to adjust yourself to irresistible torments. Remember the words from the song: "As you call a boat, so it will float." It will be more correct to remember another expression: "Who is aware, he is armed." Therefore, you should stock up as much information as possible, how to alleviate the pain in the bouts and at the same time leave your strength for childbirth.

Help with fights

Coping with any difficulties is better not alone, but in the company of a loved one. Joint practice of birth is now reasonably popular. Your partner, whether mom, best friend, or loved one, will help you find an effective and natural way for you, how to ease the bouts. Constant presence has a distraction factor - do not remain "one on one" with your feelings, splash out and share them with your partner.

Relax in the battles helps and a good atmosphere. The type of hospital ward never causes positive emotions. Take your favorite things with you - a pillow, pleasant audio recordings or a magazine. At first glance, these little things will not be able to help with the battles, but listening to your favorite songs or stories from the magazine at the first stage of the bouts, you noticeably pass the time.

Movement is an effective way of anesthetizing during childbirth. You can do anything that reduces the pain: walk fast or slow pace, do the slopes, swing sideways with the partner. In addition, it is useful for the baby, because for him the birth process is also a difficult test. The vertical position contributes to the comfortable placement of the baby in the throat of the uterus, and it causes weight to move it faster. If simple walking does not help to cope with the pain, try jumping on the fitball, or hanging on the Swedish wall.

Massage during the bouts

Hardly the most effective way how to ease the pain in the bouts is massage. Massage activates blood circulation, distracts, soothes. Even if you attended courses for pregnant women, then to understand how to do the massage in battles, you can listen to yourself and your feelings. Relaxing, easy massage is effective in the intervals between contractions, while intense practice during labor. Back massage during the fights, namely the sacral area, where the nerve endings leading to the uterus are located, can reduce the transmission of pain impulse. Anesthetic massage during labor can be carried out with the whole palm, fingertips or fist, the main thing is that it gives relief. An effective massage for the preparation for childbirth is the massaging of the anterior pelvic bone protrusions. This stimulation will help you relax and ease the pain in the bouts. Pressing in the area of ​​the sacral rhombus, you can reduce the pain during the bout. Massage during battles is done with the fist or thumbs of the hands with rather intensive movements.

A significant analgesic effect is provided by acupressure at delivery. Its principle is to act on biologically active points, this in turn improves blood circulation and contributes to pain relief. There are two main points of anesthesia during childbirth: hey-gu and the sixth splenic. The hei-gu point is located in the recess of the back surface of the brush between the thumb and forefinger. The sixth splenic is located on the inner side of the shin - four fingers wide above the middle ankle. Thanks to the massage of these points before birth, contractions increase without pain. But stimulation of these points of anesthesia is effective only at sorts, during pregnancy, it is not necessary to stimulate them, as it can cause uterine contraction.

The above types of analgesic massage during childbirth should not cause unpleasant and repulsive sensations.

Listen to yourself, share your feelings with your partner, and then everything will necessarily happen!