Condensed milk - calorie content

Condensed milk is the favorite delicacy of children, so it is important that they eat only healthy and healthy foods. What is the caloric content of condensed milk, what is included in its composition, and is it worth giving this product to children?

Condensed milk is produced by evaporating cow's milk with sugar. Variants of its application are quite diverse. Condensed milk is also used as an independent product, and is added to ice cream, baked goods, used instead of sugar in tea and coffee.

Nutritional value of condensed milk

Condensed milk per 100 g of the finished product contains 7.2 g of proteins. 8.5 grams of fat and 55.5 g of carbohydrates. Caloric content of condensed milk is very high and amounts to approximately 320 kcal per 100 g of product.

Boiled condensed milk contains slightly less calories, approximately 315. Proteins and carbohydrates are also slightly smaller. Fat content of condensed milk ranges from 4% to 15%, and depends on its kind.

Condensed milk is good or bad?

In moderate amounts, condensed milk is useful. Its benefit is due to the fact that the quality of condensed milk includes only milk and sugar. And, means, all the useful properties of milk is in the sweet product, loved by all. Calcium, which is so rich in cow's milk, strengthens bones and teeth. This is the most important vitamin for the child's body. Regular use of a spoonful of condensed milk stimulates brain activity and helps to restore blood.

It is worth considering that in the case of condensed milk it is very important not to use more than the norm. Doctors recommend for a healthy person to eat not two to three tablespoons of condensed milk a day.

The abuse of condensed milk can lead to such undesirable consequences as: obesity, diabetes and caries.

Buying condensed milk, do not be lazy to get acquainted with its composition. If you find in the composition of vegetable fats, do not buy such a product, it is far from a healthy condensed milk.