How many feelings does a person have?

Science is constantly evolving, and scientists are gradually changing their view of the nature of human feelings. Moreover, they changed their mind about how many basic feelings a person has - instead of five, they have become much larger.

Feelings in a person's life

Even the ancient scientist Aristotle determined that the person has the basic 5 senses - sight , hearing, smell, touch and taste. These feelings are based on various physical and chemical mechanisms. Today, scientists add to them a sense of warmth (thermo-reception), pain (nociception), balance and position of the body in space (equibioception), sensation of parts of one's body relative to others (proprioception).

These feelings help a person to adequately perceive the surrounding world and navigate in it. Some of the basic feelings of a person can be divided into components. For example, different taste receptors are answered by different receptors, therefore the person separately perceives sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, sour and fat. The visual sense in a person has 2 components - sensations of light and color.

For sound senses there are many receptors, and in different people the frequency range can be different. It depends on the number of hair-receptors, and on their integrity. Painful feelings of a person are divided into internal (joint, bone, pain in the internal organs) and external (pain felt by the skin). For the sense of smell is responsible for about 2000 receptors.

There are also 2 feelings that are not recognized by all scientists - it's intuition and sense of time. To a greater or lesser degree, they manifest themselves in almost all, but only a few have strong feelings of this kind.

Higher feelings of man

In addition to the basic feelings, a person has very strong higher feelings, it is very difficult to separate and characterize. The senses, the nervous system, and the receptors are responsible for the basic senses. Higher feelings are the psyche of a person, his spiritual development, emotions, willed qualities, intellect appear in them.

Higher feelings of a person can be conditionally divided into 4 groups:

  1. Moral - they show the attitude of the individual to himself, to other people who are going around events. On moral feelings, the social environment in which a person grew has a strong imprint.
  2. Aesthetic - this is a feeling of beauty, harmony, rhythm. Aesthetic feelings in all people are expressed in different ways, they ennoble the person and partly shape his moral qualities.
  3. Praxic - these are experiences associated with the daily activities of man (work, study, sports, hobbies). They can manifest themselves in enthusiasm, creativity, joy or indifference, etc.
  4. Intellectual and cognitive - the nature of these feelings of a person is manifested in the love of learning something new, curious, interested in a certain area of ​​knowledge, purposefulness.