Wine vinegar is good and bad

Wine vinegar is the result of wine fermentation and has long been used successfully in cooking, cosmetology, and also for medicinal purposes. It was used as an anti-inflammatory agent, a preservative, with its help disinfected water. Red wine vinegar is the result of the fermentation of red wine varieties in oak barrels. White wine vinegar consists of white dry wines that wander in steel barrels. The taste of vinegar depends on what kind of vinegar it is. Wine vinegar of both kinds is successfully used in cooking. From it prepare different dressings for salads, sauces and marinades.

It is considered effective to use wine vinegar for weight loss. To this end, it should be drunk half an hour before meals before each meal, dissolving one tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of cool, clean water. And yet, wine vinegar can only be an auxiliary in reducing weight. Without a special low-calorie diet, one can hardly expect success.

The benefits and harm of wine vinegar

As part of wine vinegar contains useful substances and antioxidants that contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, lowering cholesterol, slowing down the aging process. They also strengthen the immune system and have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Since wine vinegar is made from grapes, almost all vitamins of these berries are present in it. Grapes can improve lung function, clean arteries and reduce the likelihood of coronary heart disease.

But do not forget that wine vinegar is an acid that has contraindications and can negatively affect the tooth enamel and the work of the stomach. With increased acidity, liver and stomach problems, hypertension, as well as cholelithiasis, you should consult a doctor. In pregnancy and lactation, as well as ulcers, the use of wine vinegar is strictly contraindicated.