The effect of alcohol on the female body

How much is known about the harmful effects of alcohol on the female body! Despite this, every year the representatives of the weaker sex give birth to children with congenital diseases, the reason of which is the drinking mother. There are also teenage girls with a glass of wine: whether they create such a look, so as not to be a black sheep in the company, or, because in their families, a glass of alcohol is an everyday occurrence.

Effect of alcohol on pregnancy

A woman and alcoholic drinks are incompatible concepts. When alcohol gets into the blood of a future mother, there are violations of the mental and physical development of the baby. So, from the moment of its birth, birth defects appear in the form of disruption of the functioning of the genitourinary system, eyes, bones, etc.

The variant of harmful influence of alcohol on features of the child is not excluded: the face becomes flat, the head does not reach the necessary size, remains small. In addition, all these signs can appear only to the 3rd year.

The effect of alcohol on women

Before the action of alcohol, the nervous system of a woman is very vulnerable. What can not be said about men. So, at one reception of a horse's dose of alcohol in an instant thousands of nerve cells can be destroyed, which, in turn, can not be restored any more. This gives rise to a tendency to develop psychic abnormalities.

Over time, there are significant changes in the functioning of the sex glands. Sooner or later, the drinking personality disappears sexual attraction. There is frigidity.

Moreover, menopause "knocking" for 20 years earlier than in healthy women. It is not excluded the possibility of the appearance of breast cancer. The effect of alcohol on the female body is difficult to describe at a time. So, as to its effect on the internal organs, it is the liver cells that gradually die off. This is the start to the appearance of hepatitis, and then cirrhosis . The heart is covered with a layer of fat. Every day it becomes more difficult and more difficult for him to function, a heart attack develops.