Individual consciousness

Consciousness in itself is all that a person sees and feels from a certain environment. The very first mention of him appeared in ancient times, and was considered nothing other than the soul of man.

Such a concept as an individual consciousness, the feature of which already gives out its very name, is the highest level of the human psyche peculiar to only one individual. It is formed under the clear influence of one's own being, way of life , society and is also an element of public consciousness. In this article we will describe how this higher form of reflection of human reality is developing and how.

Individual consciousness and its structure

For the consciousness of an individual, perception of both one's own and public opinion is inherent. By other owls, the interiorization of views is the realization of material life, both one's own and that of society. Thus, a person forms his concepts not only from his own being, but also from the already folded system of views.

The structure of individual consciousness is a collection of ideas, feelings, theories, goals, customs and traditions that in themselves form the reality that a person sees for himself, forming his own scientific, religious and aesthetic concepts. Every individual is a representative of his nationality, people, place of residence, therefore, his consciousness is inextricably linked with the consciousness of the whole society.

In the development of individual consciousness, two levels are distinguished.

  1. The first - the initial, or primary level , is formed under the influence of society, concepts and knowledge. The main factors of its formation are the educational activity of the external environment, education and the cognition of a new man.
  2. The second level - "creative" and "active" , promotes self-development. During this period a person transforms himself, organizes his world, manifests intelligence and, ultimately, deduces ideal objects for himself. The main forms of development of this kind of individual consciousness are ideals, goals and faith, and the main factors are considered to be the thinking and will of man.

When something affects us, the result is not only a certain opinion created and stored in our memory, but also causes a "storm" of emotions. Therefore, the second level of development in the structure of individual consciousness can be called not a rational, but rather a passionate search for truth, in which a person is constantly.