When does the abdomen drop in pregnant women?

Strangely enough, but this question interests not only the first-birth women. Even if the pregnancy is the second or even the third, then often a woman is still worried. And was not her stomach lowered early? How long does it take to wait for delivery? Or why the stomach has not descended, although it's time to give birth?

Why does the stomach fall in pregnant women?

Let's start a little from afar. Everyone knows that the uterus during pregnancy somewhat changes the position of the organs in the abdominal cavity of a woman. This is absolutely normal and, alas, inevitable. In this case, a woman's stomach can be under the very ribs (which, by the way, is the cause of heartburn, which often accompanies pregnant women). In addition, a strongly grown abdomen can press on the lungs, which greatly complicates breathing in late pregnancy. However, starting from 33-34 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach can descend. This is due to the fact that the child occupies a certain position, preparing for childbirth, the so-called previa. Most often, the presentation in children is headache (but others are not excluded). At the same time, the baby's head falls into the woman's pelvis. And if before it was directly in the abdominal cavity, then in the last weeks of pregnancy the head is most often in the pelvis.

After the abdomen is lowered, the pregnant woman feels considerable relief. It makes it easier to breathe, rarely pains heartburn. After all, after the baby has lowered into the pelvis, the load on the internal organs of a woman becomes much less. And the stomach, liver, intestine occupy the vacated space.

When does the abdomen drop in primiparous pregnant women?

As already mentioned, the stomach can descend from the middle of the third trimester. But in practice, there are a variety of cases. It happens that the stomach falls and at 29 weeks, and at the same time there are women who have not yet lost their belly in 39 weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, doctors sometimes become witnesses to the fact that right down to the very birth the stomach remains in its place.

It is worth noting that the period when the abdomen is lowered in pregnant women does not always indicate the approach of childbirth. In primiparous women, the abdomen may drop and 4 weeks before the birth, and 2 days. And it's impossible to say exactly how much time is left before the appearance of crumbs into the world, no one can.

However, we give some statistical data concerning this process.

Most often, the abdomen falls 36 weeks pregnant. But if you have only 35 (or already 37) a week of pregnancy and the stomach has dropped, you still do not need to panic. Especially since you have practically no way to influence this process.

Next, let's talk about the average time that has elapsed from the moment when the abdomen falls during pregnancy, until the birth itself. The most common period is 2-3 weeks. But then again, no one can guarantee that if your stomach is down today, tomorrow you still do not exactly give birth.

When does the abdomen drop in a miscarriage of pregnant women?

Again, we give the average statistical indicators. Most women say that in their second pregnancy, their stomach dropped at 38 weeks gestation. Also, according to practical data, with the second and more childbirth, the abdomen falls later than the first, and also that the delivery occurs earlier than 2-3 weeks (usually not more than 7 days).

How do you know if your stomach is down?

Very simple. If your palm is placed between your breasts and belly, then this is a clear sign that your stomach is already down. Also, do not forget that you will become much easier to breathe, less heartburn will feel, but at the same time there will be additional pressure on the bladder and unpleasant sensations in the perineum.