Oat milk is good and bad

Oatmeal milk is so called, because it resembles the appearance of ordinary milk . However, it does not have milk as such, which is quite good for everyone who has an allergy to it. It is not surprising that oat milk, the benefit and harm of which was of interest to many in ancient China, is so widespread in the East. Here people often have complete immunity to milk (lactose), so the population tried to expand the number of other products that could be used instead.

Benefits and harm of oat milk

The harm of this drink is mainly for those who have an allergy to oats (or, for example, celiac disease). First you need to identify this point, drink a little bit of tincture and look at the reaction.

To prepare the drink you need to take about 160 grams of bran from oats and pour 1.5 liters of water. All this should be left to infuse for about 20 minutes, then grind with a blender and carefully strain. The classic version of milk from oats is ready.

Oat milk is very suitable for weight loss, since it helps to cleanse the body. In addition, it is able to speed up the metabolism , which has a beneficial effect on weight reduction, and a significant amount of B vitamins contributes to the improvement of the general condition at times.

This is the benefit of oat milk does not end there. As a means to improve the complexion, it can be used not only inward, but also externally. For example, replacing them with a face tonic and washing in the morning.

And if you want to know what is good for oat milk yet, pay attention to the fact that it improves the digestive process. It is strongly recommended for gastritis and constipation. It should be taken into account that the calorific value of oat milk is not very high (276 kcal), so that it can be consumed by everyone, but still for those who lose weight in small amounts.