How to feed twins at the same time?

An uneasy task is faced by Mom, who gave birth to two children at once, because how to feed twins at the same time can not tell the majority of friends and relatives. But after a little training, the process of tandem feeding can be adjusted like a clock and feed the kids to the required time.

How to properly feed twins with breast milk?

When a child is hungry, he screams that there are forces, demanding mother's milk, and few are able to achieve the alternate feeding of children. As a rule, the second kid does not wait for the turn, screams angrily, and my mother is nervous. And all this is not the best way to affect the amount of milk.

It is best to feed the kids at the same time - so will mother and children be calm. For tandem feeding, you will need a pillow for feeding in the form of a horseshoe, which covers the mother on all sides. Its width is required more than a standard pillow of this purpose, and is about 40 cm instead of 30 cm.

Mom comfortably sits down in an armchair, laying under the waist and neck several comfortable small pads - in fact the process of feeding is quite long, and it's undesirable to get tired of a wet nurse. In addition, in an uncomfortable position, the outflow of milk worsens and it gets less to the children. Under your feet you can put a low stool.

The helper gives the kids to Mom, and she puts everyone to her breast in a "from under the arm" position , when the children's heads touch each other, and the legs go under Mamina's hands. Babies, as with the usual feeding of one baby can lie on a barrel or on the back.

Instead of such a pillow, you can build a special machine, which due to the rigid design is more convenient. Make it from plywood, lining with foam and a soft cloth. In shape, the design resembles a table, which is placed in a bed for a light breakfast, only in the shape of the letter P, where on the legs of this letter are the children.

To breastfeed feeding was prolonged and bring joy to both mother and children, the nurse should have as much rest as possible and before each feeding drink a cup of hot tea, stimulating a good outflow of milk.