Rosacea - treatment

If you do not take any measures to eliminate this disease, it can gradually lead to a change in the skin and even facial features. Therefore, it is very important to begin therapy of rosacea at an early stage - the treatment is being performed in combination with various physiotherapeutic procedures and has a quick positive effect.

Rosacea - home treatment

In order to ensure that the skin is properly and fully maintained on its own, the following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Choose soft, gentle hygienic means for washing that do not contain alcohol, heavy oils, including - ethereal, parabens, acetone.
  2. Do not use masks with irritating and vasodilating components, for example, honey or badyage .
  3. Choose a cream without hormonal ingredients.
  4. Avoid skin contact with very hot or cold water.
  5. Use for wiping disposable soft paper or fabric towels, often wash them.
  6. Use special cosmetics to protect the skin from exposure to weather, sunlight and ultraviolet light.
  7. Acquire quality decorative cosmetics based on natural ingredients.
  8. Limit in the diet of fatty, spicy, spicy dishes, coffee.

Rosacea - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers such recipes for the elimination of the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Daily do forty-minute compresses of gauze, dipped in cranberry juice (freshly squeezed).
  2. Apply to the skin crushed pulp of aloe leaves, once a day for 20 minutes.
  3. Each time before going to bed, wipe the face with a 5 percent propolis tincture .
  4. Make compresses from gauze soaked in a solution of cabbage juice and water (in proportions of 1: 1) for 30 minutes.

Skin disease rosacea steroid - treatment

This type of pathology is quite rare and develops against the backdrop of uncontrolled and prolonged use of therapeutic ointments, gels or creams containing corticosteroid hormones. As a rule, such rosacea does not require special therapy. After the abolition of drugs, there may be a short-term exacerbation of the disease, after which the skin regains itself. Accelerate this process by means of gentle care and correction of nutrition.

Treatment of rosacea metronidazole

Antibiotics, especially metronidazole, have high efficacy in eliminating the disease. Take medication should be a long time, about 7-8 weeks. Long-term administration negatively affects the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, can provoke the resistance of bacteria to the active substance of the drug and, as a consequence, the chronicity of pathology. Therefore, metronidazole therapy is combined with local agents containing azelaic and retinoic acid.

Rosacea treatment with laser

The technique considered today is the most progressive and preferred, as it provides a complete cure for rosacea, prevents recurrence of the disease in the future.

The essence of the method consists in cauterization (coagulation) of damaged blood vessels with a long-wave laser beam. Thus, blood circulation in the affected areas of the dermis is normalized and epidermis, the multiplication of bacteria stops, the formation of tubercles, comedones, papules and purulent formations.

The full course of procedures is from 8 to 20 sessions, depending on the severity of the ailment.

Treatment of rosacea with liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy promotes exfoliation of the damaged layers of the skin and intensification of cell regeneration. It should be noted that this method, despite the fairly good results, can not be used with closely located vessels to the surface of the epidermis due to the risk of rupturing their walls under the influence of low temperature.