How to remove the ring from a swollen finger?

A ring or a ring sometimes begins to squeeze a finger, causing a state of discomfort. Attempts to remove jewelry in the usual way are in vain, and only aggravate pain and puffiness. Let's try to find out how you can remove the ring from a swollen finger, without traumatizing it.

How to remove the ring if the finger is swollen?

The problem of how to remove an engagement ring or other decoration from a swollen finger was also known to our ancestors. Thanks to which a lot of methods have been accumulated, allowing to remove jewelry without complicated adaptations at home. We note the most popular of them:

  1. Do not try to tear off the ring that has become tight, but you need to slowly and accurately twist the ornament, gradually pushing it up the finger. If the progress is difficult, it is advisable to soak your hand and soap your finger. In this case, the metal product will slip more easily.
  2. Try using a lubricant to create a slippery surface. It can be any fat-containing substance (vegetable or animal oil, cream , petroleum jelly, etc.) To fingers of the hand, with which the ring is removed, do not slip from the richly lubricated metal, it is proposed to additionally use a flap of soft tissue.
  3. If there is no swelling, you can hold your hand in hot water. It is well known that metals under the influence of heat expand much more strongly than other materials, so the ring should be able to easily remove.
  4. The swelling of salt can reduce swelling. To do this, put the finger into the salt solution of room temperature for 5 minutes, then try to remove the ring.
  5. Often the cause of the difficulty in removing the decoration is hot weather. Because of the heat, blood flows to the skin, causing swelling of the tissues. In this case, you should raise your hands for a few minutes above the line of the heart. The outflow of blood will eliminate puffiness, and the ring, most likely, can be removed.
  6. In a healthy person edema is most often due to abuse of salty foods. The main way of behavior in this situation is to postpone the attempt to take off the jewelry for a while, and do not consume liquid for several hours. As a result, the puffiness of the soft tissues disappears, and you can part with the ring without pain and pain.
  7. With a strong inflammation of the fingers, it is worth compressing with Procain. Thanks to the anesthetic, the pain syndrome will be eliminated, and a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin receptors will simplify the process of removing the ornament.

How to remove the ring from a swollen finger with a string?

With a long wearing a metal product literally grows into the skin, so jewelry from your fingers should be removed from time to time. If you ignore this advice, then cut into soft tissue ring causes real suffering, down to numb fingers. In a difficult situation, it is worth trying to remove the ring from a swollen finger with a thread:

  1. To do this, cut about 1 m of silk thread, insert it into the eye of a thin sewing needle.
  2. Then the needle is carefully passed under the ring from the side of the nail, and also gently stretched from the other side. It is clear that along with the needle under the ring will pass the thread.
  3. Then the remaining part of the thread is wrapped around the finger (the coils should fit tightly against each other so that there are no gaps). The finger must be wrapped to the end.
  4. At the end of the procedure, take the short end of the thread at the base of the phalanx of the finger and unwind it. Together with the thread, the ring will also be raised. In the end, it will be removed.

Where can I remove the ring from a swollen finger?

If folk methods did not help, and the finger becomes cyanotic color, we advise you to go to the emergency room, the surgical department or seek help from the rescue service. Experts well know how to remove a small ring from a swollen finger. The professional algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. An anti-inflammatory injection is being made.
  2. On the arm is applied a tourniquet.
  3. If possible, a sheet of foil is passed between the skin and the ring to prevent injury to the epidermis.
  4. The ring is sawn.

If the jewelry is made of a particularly strong metal - tungsten, then it is impossible to cut it. In this case, the ring with the finger is fixed in the vice, and compression is carried out until the metal breaks.