How to lose weight without starving?

Exhausted from the trials of his own body, we, of course, want to relax. No, the desire to lose weight does not subside, just want to lose weight easily and imperceptibly. There is only one way to do this (true fast results should not be expected) - a balanced diet.

Instead of seizing your stress and frustration from another failed diet, think about how wonderful it would be to lose weight without starving. But you only need to take yourself in hand and have patience.

Run the metabolism

In order to understand how fast to lose weight without starving, you need to understand your own metabolism.

When you wake up in the morning, your head is completely incapable of thinking and, especially, working. With half-open eyes, we prepare breakfast , and mechanically opening our mouth, stuffing food there. All this leads to a feeling of stomach-drum throughout the day. Instead, you just have to turn on the metabolism after awakening.

Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and after half an hour safely have breakfast, but with an appetite . Citric acid prepares the stomach for digestion, water starts all metabolic processes - you are awake.

We eat in a clever way

An alternative to diets, that is, a way to lose weight without starving, involves a frequent, nutritious, balanced intake of food. Often it is about 4 to 5 meals. Nutritiously - this is quite satisfying, so that after dinner you do not want to have a snack with nuts. Balanced - the complete harmony of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (you can even sweet sometimes afford).

To do this, you just need to eat with the mind. Be sure to have breakfast (after a glass of water drunk), do not deprive yourself of a second breakfast (fruits, nuts, vegetables, sour-milk products), fully dine - a protein dish plus a side dish, as well as dinner no later than 19.00. If you feel sleepy before going to sleep, drink green tea with honey or a glass of kefir.