How to make a house of matches?

Of course, we all know that matches are a necessary thing and, of course, useful in the economy. But the fact that it is also a great material for creativity is not known to everyone. From the usual box of matches, you can create such unusual and beautiful crafts that simply captures the spirit: models of cars and planes, ships and tanks , houses and even whole fortresses! There are several ways how to make a house of matches with your own hands. You can follow the path of traditional Russian architecture, and erect it without a single "nail", skilfully twisting the matches with each other. And it is possible as we - to go the easier way and build a house of matches with glue.

House of matches for beginners

For the construction we need:

Getting Started

  1. We take long matches and neatly cut off their heads. In the work we will have to use matches, divided into segments of different lengths, and without heads they will look much nicer. You can also use not a match for work, but thin sticks or skewers.
  2. We lay out matches on each other on the principle of a village log house and glue them together. As a result, we get here such a rectangle, about 20x10 cm in size.
  3. Laying the walls to a height of 10 matches, we proceed to the design of the window. For the window opening, you need to divide each match into three parts and glue it according to the picture. The height of the window opening is equal to 8 matches.
  4. On top of the window opening again lay out full-size matches.
  5. After the first floor is erected, we proceed to the design of the floors. To do this, top and bottom of our house are glued closely matches 20 cm long. For each overlap we need about 40 matches.
  6. From the top to the ceiling we begin to lay the walls of the second floor. From the first, he will be distinguished by the presence in his long wall of windows and doors. Window opening will begin to spread on the height of the wall in 9 matches, and the height of the opening will be equal to 8 matches. The doorway must be decorated with high vertical slats.
  7. Do not forget about the balcony - on it we need to make a fence. Exactly the same fencing is done on the first floor of our house of matches.
  8. The roof of our house will be covered with tiles from ordinary household matches. To do this, we glue the matches, shifting them relative to each other to the height of the head. It should turn out such a wave-like shingles.
  9. In order to cover the house with tiles, we first build the supporting beams, on which its roof will rest.
  10. Rows of tiles glued together, overlapping, and then glued to the supporting beams. We install a skate on the roof of long matches stuck together.
  11. For the end parts of the roof we glue the matches in the form of a triangle.
  12. And we'll make a pipe like this: roll a cylinder out of thick paper and glue it with matches. You can simply paste matches in rows, but it will be much more interesting to look a pipe with a picture. Therefore, we will paste the matches with a shift.
  13. What kind of house without reliably locked doors? The door leaf is glued from tight matches lying next to each other, we strengthen it with cross beams and cut the keyhole.
  14. The decisive moment has come - the final assembly of our mansion from matches! We glue to the roof of the pipe, glue the end parts of the roof, install the doors and our house is ready! Of course, a beginner master will have to tinker a lot before he gets such a house, but the result is worth it!