The Benefits and Harms of the Internet

Modern youth is already difficult to imagine their lives without the world wide web. The Internet has firmly entered the life of every person, institution and enterprise. And even children consider the Internet an important part of life.

What is the use of the Internet?

Investigating the use and harm of the Internet, scientists and doctors disagree. Nobody denies that the Internet has greatly simplified many things. It became easier for pupils and students to study, because they got free access to a huge amount of teaching materials. Enterprises can now communicate much easier and faster. Everyone can enjoy spending time on the Internet without leaving home. Social networks allow you to communicate with people from all over the globe.

Along with this, doctors are sounding the alarm, as the Internet contributes to the development of various diseases. The presence of the Internet increases the time spent at the computer. And, as you know, it is the sedentary lifestyle that is the cause of many diseases. Problems with vision, cervical spine and posture disorders also increase as the number of active Internet users increases.

Harm and benefit of the Internet for schoolchildren

The main benefit of the Internet for schoolchildren is the availability of educational information. It became much easier to write abstracts, reports, find material for creative work. However, at the same time, access to a mass of ready-made works and home works opened up, which reduces the creative potential of students.

In addition, the emergence of social networks has led to the fact that communication from the real world turned into a virtual one.

But the biggest problem of the Internet is that it causes addiction in children because they have not fully developed their psyche.

Children need to learn how to properly use the global network and how to spend time on the Internet with benefit. Although they would be much more useful to talk with friends face to face and walk on the street.