Diet with angina pectoris

Such a disease, like angina pectoris, requires a very careful attitude to their health and, as a result, nutrition, because in this case, jokes with him are bad.

The first and foremost thing that any doctor will tell you absolutely is the restriction of products that deliver to us the fats of animal origin that are rich in cholesterol, which poses a serious threat to human health with the diagnosis of angina pectoris. In addition, it is important to put your weight in order, because if you weigh more than the norm for a person with your height, this can lead to additional problems. Because of this, the diet with angina limits sweets.

Do not forget that unstable angina pectoris requires nutrition, thought over to trifles, and one of such trifles is the lack of salt. Instead, you need to use seasonings, fragrant herbs like parsley and dill and so on.

Thus, nutrition with angina severely limits the following types of foods in the diet:

When swelling is important, it is important to refrain from consuming excess fluid and to limit the intake of both water and tea.

In a diet with angina pectoris recommended to make your own menu of the following products:

Adhering to such a plan of nutrition, you can easily maintain your health and feel great.