How to make beautiful eyebrows?

Many women do not get tired of caring for the skin of the face and every day carefully perform the make-up of the eyes and lips, but do not pay attention to the eyebrows. And completely in vain. "Correct" eyebrows can dramatically change the perception of people around them, change the facial expression and give it youthfulness. If you for some reason overlooked the importance of eyebrow care, it's time to correct the situation. How and where to make eyebrows beautiful (at home or in the beauty salon), we'll talk.

How to identify and make a beautiful shape of the eyebrows?

Just determine which eyebrows will go to you, it is not easy. Therefore, it is worth at least once to see a specialist who will tell you and show how to make a beautiful shape of the eyebrows for your face, pick up their optimal shade and give advice on care. To correct their shape, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the hairs that are knocked out of the ideal line of your eyebrows. In the salon you can be offered such methods of hair removal:

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home?

Tweezers - the best tool for self-aligning eyebrows to perfect shape. Quality tweezers are made of strong steel (stainless or chrome plated), characterized by a soft clamping and absolutely smooth, very tightly closing sponges. The shape of the edges distinguishes straight, slanted and pointed tweezers. By design, they are of a traditional straight shape and with handles like scissors, and still automatic, with a built-in backlight or magnifying glass. The choice depends on your preferences, because how to make beautiful eyebrows at home you will only be able to personally use your device.

Before decisively making a beautiful shape of the eyebrows at home in front of the mirror, comb them with a brush in the direction of growth. You can first draw the desired outline of the eyebrow in a dark pencil, and all that is to be removed, painted over with white. And now, starting from the tail of the eyebrow and gradually moving to the bridge of the nose, pull out excess hairs along its lower edge.

A few rules, how beautiful to make eyebrows with tweezers:

How to make a beautiful eyebrow color?

It is important not only the shape, but also the color of the eyebrows, which must either coincide with the hue of the hair, or be darker by 1-2 tones. Black eyebrows will go only to brunettes, and brown-haired and fair-haired young women need to pick one of the many shades of brown, warm or cold.

For daily make-up, pencils, carcasses and special eyebrows are convenient. Using a pencil, try not to hold a continuous line for them, and to imitate the natural appearance of the hairs with short strokes, especially where you want to create a density effect or extend the eyebrow line. Eyebrow gel will help fix unruly hairs and give them shine (by the way, you can also use a hair styling gel).

How to make beautiful eyebrows yourself without having to tint them every morning? Paint them with a special paint for eyelashes and eyebrows, which is sold in any cosmetic store. The color persists for 2-3 weeks, and the eyebrows look very natural. The main thing - follow the instructions and apply the paint very carefully, so as not to dye the skin. Never use ordinary hair dyes for eyebrows!

If you are not confident in your abilities, trust the master of the salon. At his disposal are professional paints with a rich palette, and by mixing shades he will pick you the one that will make you irresistible. (Paints for home use have only 2 colors - black and brown). The master can lighten the eyebrows too dark or unsuccessfully painted. But the most lasting effect - from six months to three years - gives a modern permanent eyebrow make-up, that is, tattooing.