Zumba fitness - dance and lean

The dance direction of the zumba appeared due to a happy occasion - the famous coach and choreographer Alberto Perez forgot the usual music for classes, so he put the disc with the dance compositions that he found in the car. So the aerobics class turned into an incendiary disco. And if you do not like boring training - you can use the program of classes "dance and hudey" with the help of a zumba-fitness!

Fat Burning with Zumba-Fitness

Zumba fitness is a great way to lose weight girls who love Latin American dances. This direction combines aerobics, samba, salsa and other dances. The inflammatory energy that reigns in a zumba class makes women forget that they are improving their bodies with fitness - they just dance and improvise.

Additional bonuses from zumboy lessons - the ability to perfectly dance and feel the rhythm, harmoniously developed muscles of all groups and a tightened figure, tremendous flexibility, plasticity and possession of your body.

Due to the fact that the zumba is a dynamic training, it burns as many calories as you can not spend with many other types of fitness. For a full hour zumboy occupation you will spend 700 kcal, and when aerobics, for example, you burn about 300-500.

Zumba promotes the training and strengthening of the heart muscle, blood vessels and respiratory system, so it is recommended to people who are banned heavy loads. However, zumba-fitness has contraindications, including joint and bone diseases, some heart diseases, hypertension, exacerbation of neurological diseases.

What do you need for zumba lessons?

One zomboy occupation involves warming -up , learning new dance elements and fastening the assimilated ones. Complete the stretching exercises and relaxation exercises.

To zumba bring pleasure and benefit, it is important to find a suitable coach. If the coach is not able to "ignite" and inspire you, the classes will not go on for future use.

Clothes for dance fitness are preferable free and convenient. Very often women wear simple training pants and large t-shirts for a zumba. But any other clothes will suit you, in which you will feel at ease.