Fitness diet for weight loss

Women who have decided to lose weight and are engaged in fitness, also need to adjust their diet. Especially for this, there is a fitness diet for weight loss, which is not strict, but sticking to it is very simple.

Pros and Cons of a Fitness Diet for Girls

Each method of weight loss has its positive and negative sides, this option is no exception. The advantages of this method of losing weight can be attributed to the fact that he:

The main disadvantage of this diet is that you will have to spend money on buying fresh and quality products that are more expensive than their low-grade counterparts.

Fitness diet for women: basic rules

  1. It is important to control the amount of food consumed. It is best to eat in small fractions and in small portions.
  2. It is necessary to follow all recommendations for nutrition exactly and not to break.
  3. The daily menu should consist of dishes prepared only from natural products.

How to make a fitness diet for yourself?

The daily menu is based on the formula 4-3-2-1. Its meaning lies in the fact that each number means a certain group of products and the number of portions.

  1. Group "4" - products that supply our body with the necessary protein, you need to eat 4 servings per day. One of them can be: 160 g of chicken breast, 210 g of lean fish or seafood, 190 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 6 egg whites.
  2. Group 3 - products that supply the body with dietary fiber, that is, vegetables and fruits . To eat for a day you need 3 servings. Choose from the following list one of the servings: 300 g of salad without dressing, 2 small apples, grapefruit or banana.
  3. Group "2" - products that supply your body with complex carbohydrates. These include cereals and whole grain bread. In total, you need to eat 2 portions. Example of portions: 200 g of boiled porridge or 50 g of bread.
  4. Group "1" - products that provide the body with useful fats. Once a day, eat 30 g of nuts or season salad with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

Here is such a simple diet when practicing fitness will help you feel great and easily lose extra pounds. Try to make the menu as diverse as possible, so the number of failures is minimized. If the desire to eat something sweet or fatty is very strong, then once a week you can afford a portion of your favorite foods.