Wage increase

Wage increase is an indicator of the development of your career. Most people working for hire are not satisfied with their salary. They have worked for years on one job, and their salary remains almost unchanged. If this is about you, then you do not have to wait for the authorities to guess your displeasure. In this article, you will learn why you are not raising your salary and how to raise your salary correctly.

It turns out that the management also has reasons not to raise your salary. Perhaps you are caught up in one of the tricks of the employer, who is simply looking for cheap labor.

Why do not you raise your salary?

  1. You do not know your value. At the interview they told you that you are unworthy of more. This idea is supported by your boss, and you also already believed that there is simply no better work and salary.
  2. You found this job while still a student and stayed here. Now you already have experience and education, and for the employer remained a "run errands" person, for whom it is not necessary to increase the salary.
  3. You do not mention the topic of salary increase. It happens that the boss is so busy that he does not follow the wages of his subordinates. Either your silence is understood by them, that everything suits you. So sometimes it's worth hinting that you deserve more money. This will pass especially well, after a job well done.
  4. Often you ask your boss for various reasons, these can be very serious reasons, but, nevertheless, this argument is not in favor of you, when you ask to raise your salary.
  5. It happens that it is more profitable for an employer to take and train young people all the time, than to keep a specialist who needs to pay more.
  6. Not all the funds allocated for salary, reach employees. Part of the funds on the road can be withdrawn by the bank, dishonest accountant or other fraud.
  7. You said you'd quit. The company is unprofitable to raise the salary to the person who decided to leave. Therefore, the information that you are about to leave should be veiled.
  8. You are too wasteful or too economical. In the first case, the management will decide that you do not need big money, in the second - that you will have enough of those.

How to make the boss raise his salary?

  1. Talk to the leadership about the increase. Motivate a request to increase your professionalism or increase the workload.
  2. Increase the quality of your work and volumes, make it become known to the authorities. Work overtime, fixing the facts of processing.
  3. Show the boss the breadth of horizons and knowledge related to the activities of your organization. Make it clear that you are not afraid of responsibility and are ready to solve additional tasks.
  4. Learn, be aware of the innovations in your field, master new technologies. Demonstrate new knowledge and your willingness to learn.
  5. Do not be afraid of mistakes in new things. Consult experienced staff.
  6. When you are ready to talk about raising wages, prepare a report: what profit you bring and how useful organizations are.
  7. There is also a radical way how to make the boss raise his salary - to hint that you are going to go to another firm. But first look for a job where you could really go, it will not hurt to go to the interview, so you will feel more confident that you will not go unnoticed, and besides there is no guarantee that you will not be fired after the conversation.

After you have secured the consent of the chief, make sure that you are issued with an order to increase the salary and the agreement that is attached to the employment contract in which it is registered, how much you have been paid, or your increase will remain only in words.