Vitamins for teens 13 years old

Adolescence is the time of intensive growth and development of the child. For a full and harmonious development, he needs a correct and balanced diet. But in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, it is not so easy to do this. Therefore, to help modern parents and their offspring, vitamins come.

Why do we need vitamins for a 13-year-old?

It is during this period that the process of puberty and the rapid growth of the young organism occur. Minerals and vitamins help the proper formation of bone tissue and all systems. They are irreplaceable elements in all biological processes of development of a young organism.

What vitamins are needed for adolescents?

The most important vitamins for an intensively growing individual are calcium, vitamins A, D3 , C, B1 and B12. The best solution is to choose a multivitamin complex that will contain the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins.

How to choose vitamins for teenagers?

To date, the vitamin market is full of various offers. The choice depends on the financial capabilities and individual preferences of each buyer. We have compiled for you a short rating of vitamins for teenagers. Among the most popular vitamin complexes are:

  1. Vitrum the Teenager.
  2. Multi Tubs Teenager.
  3. Complivit.
  4. Duovit.
  5. Alphabet Teenager and so on.

Recommendations on how to properly take vitamins for children 13 years old are as follows:

Vitamins for teens of 13 years can bring a lot of benefit to a growing body. But we should not forget that the basis of health is moderate physical activity, an active lifestyle and a balanced diet.