The influence of music on a person

In the world there are very few people who do not like music. There are a lot of melodies and genres in music, some like the tracks of the majority, others are meant for a small part of the fans, but any music can color people's moods, change their feelings.

The influence of music on people has been known since ancient times, for example, shamans with the help of rhythm introduced the tribe into mass hypnosis , and troubadours conquered the hearts of beauties singing serenades to the guitar. Surely you have often felt the joy of a pleasant melody and melancholy at the sound of sad notes.

The influence of music is enormous on the emotional sphere of every person, because emotions give birth to feelings that provoke the production of hormones, and the humoral regulation of the whole organism depends on them. This mechanism is based on music therapy, which originated in ancient times and is relevant at the present time. The philosopher-physician Aesculapius treated the sounds of a back pain tube, and in the 19-20th century began practicing classical music sessions in many psychiatric clinics.

A sounding melody is perceived by the nervous system as a kind of code that transforms into various responses. The influence of music on the human brain is manifested in the fact that a harmonious melody leads to the normalization of all mental processes. For example, to improve memory, it is recommended to listen to Mozart's music. The works of this composer have the strongest favorable effect on the nervous processes.

The influence of music on the development of the child

The auditory analyzer starts functioning on the 8-10th week of intrauterine development, from this time the fetus already catches many sounds. It is from this period that psychologists recommend future mothers to talk more with the baby and include melodious music, some women are adjusting to put headphones on their stomachs.

No matter what musical preferences are observed in the future mother, only calm and classical music is useful for a child. Monotone melodies cause the state of relaxation in the baby and in the future it is not threatened by neurotic states and hypertonic muscles.

Numerous studies have shown that classical music has a unique effect on the intellect of a person, kids whose mothers woke up every day and fall asleep under the notes of the classics, have greater talents than other children. These guys quickly formed psychological ties, so they are calm, not subject to unnecessary feelings and hysterics, have an excellent memory. It is also proved that classical music favorably affects the growth of bone tissue.

Influence on the person of various directions of music

Creating music is a creative process. Only talented people can create a masterpiece. Such an ideal standard in the field of music is considered a classic. Melodies of classical works have a striking therapeutic effect - they relieve stammering, improve sleep. The positive influence of classical music on a person is associated with an increase in the flow of blood to the nerve endings, which in turn provokes the production of endorphins, biologically active substances that improve the general state and mood.

Pops is considered a low-quality music piece, which only oppresses mental processes and leads to the degeneration of the personality . In melodies of pop music about 150 beats per minute, which more closely resembles the sound of a shaman's tambourine and introduces your psyche into some kind of dependence. Rhythmic blows of pop music lead to frustration of the nervous system, people who often listen to this music become irritable, they have increased nervousness.

Rock music, with excessive enthusiasm for it, can have a negative impact on a person, because reproduced in a rhythm that affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for sexual functions. Also test studies have proved that young people, who often visit "live" rock concerts, are prone to deterioration of memory, attention, loss of intellect and logical thinking.